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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №90 » Abstracts: «It floated like a black winch» (metaphoric portrait of a woman in Yuri Vynnychuk’s prose)

Abstracts: «It floated like a black winch» (metaphoric portrait of a woman in Yuri Vynnychuk’s prose)

№ 90, 2019

Culture of the word, 2019, № 90
UDC 811.161.2’42

PhD (Phililogy), associate professor of Foreign languages Department, National University «Lviv Polytechnic»
55 S. Bandera Street, Lviv 79000, Ukraine
E-mail: olyak4me@ukr.net

Heading: Linguosophy of the modern of the Ukrainian prose text
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article states that the works of the contemporary author Yuri Vynnychuk constitute a landmark fragment of Ukrainian prose of the late twentieth – early twentieth centuries. The material of the novels «Malva Landa» and «Spring Games» shows the specifi cs of individual linguistic prose, in particular in the fi eld of linguistic portraiture of a woman.

Based on the consideration of stylistic means of linguistic and artistic portraiture of a woman in prose of Yuri Vynnychuk, productive ways of metaphorization with the use of nominations of birds, plants, household objects and so on were identifi ed.

The specifi cs of the author’s development of the aff ectionate-poetic names of women, which are characteristic of the Ukrainian folklore tradition, are traced. These include the generic nomination bird and specifi c nominations swallow, swallow, winch, winch, winch, winch, turtle, cuckoo, quail, cuckoo, cuckoo. It was emphasized that despite their trawliness, they did not lose their imagery and emotionality. Such a contextual aff ectionate name of women is taken as a typical feature of folklore by a modern reader.

Also actively portrayed and psycho-emotional descriptions of women in associative juxtaposition with the traits of such birds as owl, crow, canary, are actively presented in Yuri Vynnychuk’s prose.

An examination of stylistic means of linguistic and artistic portraiture of a woman in prose by Yuriy Vynnychuk reveals productive ways of metaphorizing using animal nominations and household items.


Keywords: Yuriy Vynnychuk’s prose, language portrait of a woman, metaphorization, metaphorical model, secondary nomination.


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