• info@ks.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044) 278-42-81
  • Print ISSN 0201-419Х
  • e-ISSN 2708-9827

Thematic orientation:

Topical issues of modern structure, codification of the norms of the Ukrainian literary language, problems of history, social and state status of the Ukrainian language, informing the scientific and general public about the latest techniques and methods of learning Ukrainian and other languages of the world.


The magazine publishes materials on topical theoretical and practical problems of the Ukrainian language in the field of linguistic stylistics, sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, history of language, dialectology, grammar, terminology, onomastics, language culture, as well as the problems of integrative linguistics, spelling, codification of lexical and grammatical and stylistic norms, etc.

Reviews of Ukrainian and Slavic linguistics novelties, linguistics and reviews of publications that are a prominent phenomenon in linguistics are published on the pages of the magazine. In addition, the journal publishes articles on the anniversaries of prominent linguists, and highlights issues raised in linguistic forums-symposia, conferences, and congresses.
