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  • Print ISSN 0201-419Х
  • e-ISSN 2708-9827
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №91 » MINITEXT JESTS IN THE WOMAN’S JOURNAL (ON MATERIAL 2011 – 2014)


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-00022868-3953

Miroslava MAMYCH,
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, 23 Fontanska Road, Odessa 65000, Ukraine;
Email: miroslavamiros@ukr.net

The article presents lexical-grammatical and associative-semantic methods of verbalization of basic value-axiological concepts – woman, man, mind, child. The mediacontent of the modern magazine “Zinka” is characterized as a container that covers universal information, including emotional, playful one. The importance of attention to anecdotes is noted as to everyday, literary stories, which reflect key concepts of human relationships, but are not used to create these concepts. The role of minitexts of jokes as a means of psychological and social unloading, activation of a positive world-view of a person is noted. Anecdotes as oral narrative genres are reproduced in written and bring to the target audience in the artistic form certain value dominants, which contemporary Ukrainians should focus on, as well as gender aspects of linguo-cultural activity in the community, and in general, reflect informative-communication culture of community.

All text material is analyzed with attention to the following linguistic means of comism creation: the contrast of direct and figurative meaning of the word and phraseological reversal, the contrast of high and low, literary and colloquial in stylistic semantics of words and phraseological reversals, pun, semantic alogisms of homonyms, synonyms and paronims.

Particular attention is paid to the functions of precedent name in literary anecdotes. It is noted that in Ukrainian laughter culture the appellation to a precedent phenomenon is traditional, which serves as the undisputed authority, because for a long time a certain image of a leader has been formed in society, template ideas about it are finished, which gives the impression of the authenticity of the situation being played. It is shown that in such anecdotes and jokes the precedent name acquires interactive features, and the public image of the so-called media persona is updated every time, activating the linguocultural memory of the audience of listeners-readers.

Keywords: anecdote, mediacontent, linguistic culture, irony, humor, connotation, dialogical mini-text, precedent name.