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» Journal Issues » 2021 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- №94, 2021 » CONSTANTS OF ACADEMICIAN V.M. RUSANIVSKYI'S SCIENTIFIC STYLE


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- №94, 2021
УДК 81’4; 112

Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, Professor, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Head of the Department of Stylistics, Culture of the Language and Sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
E-mail: svitlana.yermolenko@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9916-4915

Heading: The city in Ukrainian linguoculture: the echo of generations
Language: Ukrainian

Rusanivskyi’s scientific works on grammar, lexicology, lexicography, spelling, history of Ukrainian literary language, sociolinguistics, as well as philosophy of language, theoretical and practical issues of Slavic studies represent the level of development of Ukrainian linguistics of the second half of XX – early XXI century.
The overarching idea of the author’s research is the search for new aspects of language cognition due to the ontological and epistemological nature of this object. The first studies are devoted to the history of the Ukrainian language, namely the study of grammatical categories of type and time in the Ukrainian language of the XVI – XVII centuries.
In the landmark work “Structure of the Ukrainian verb” on a large factual material, the researcher traced the structural changes (variance of the morpheme composition) of verbs in different time sections of the Ukrainian language.
The most expressive among the constants of the linguist’s scientific style is attention and constant reference to lexical semantics, to the meaning of a word in a dictionary and in specific texts. The author traces and theoretically substantiates the tendencies of movement in the immanent semantic structure of the vocabulary of each natural language. It is this tendency that explains V.M. Rusanivskyi’s constant appeal to the structural-semantic analysis of T. Shevchenko’s dictionary of language, to the disclosure of the semantic depth of the word in his texts.
Without claiming a comprehensive analysis of the constants of  Rusanivskyi’s scientific style, we emphasize the heuristic value of the following authorial concepts: a) representation of grammatical categories of verbs as the unity of form and meaning of a language unit; b) the interaction of lexical and grammatical semantics at all levels of language structure; c) constructive interaction of functional and expressive styles in the history of literary language; d) the history of the formation of the literary norm of the Ukrainian language; e) development of the Ukrainian literary language in the context of system-structural, functional-communicative and extralingual factors.

Key words: history of Ukrainian linguistics, scientific style of V.M. Rusanivskyi, constants of scientific style, structural analysis, research of lexical and grammatical semantics, concept of history of literary language, literary language and national consciousness, linguoshevchenkiana.


  1. Yermolenko, S.Ya (2011). Organized mind. Kultura slova, 74,  28–33 (in Ukr.)
  2. Rusanivskyi, V.M. (2001). History of the Ukrainian literary language. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  3. Rusanivskyi, V.M. (1976). The ratio of functional and expressive language styles.  Slovo i trud. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  4. Rusanivskyi, V.M. (1988). The structure of lexical and grammatical semantics. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  5. Rusanivskyi, V.M. (1971). The structure of the Ukrainian verb. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  6. Rusanivskyi, V.M. (2002). In a word – eternity (Language of works of Taras Shevchenko). Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  7. Ushkalov, L. (2019). My Shevchenko’s encyclopedia: from the experience of self-knowledge. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  8. Shevchenko, L.I. (2014). In the circle of ideas of the Kyiv historical and philological school: scientific heritage of V. M. Rusanivskyi. Larysa Ivanivna Shevchenko: Horyzontamy modernoi linhvistyky, 279–287. Kyiv (in Ukr.)