doctor of philological sciences, professor of the department of the Ukrainian language,
SI “Luhansk National Taras Shevchenko University”;
with. Rozsoshentsi 22/12, Poltavskyi district, Poltava region, 38751;
е-mail: hlukhovtseva@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5581-2204
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of Department of Ukrainian Philology and of Ukrainian journalism,
East national university named after Volodymyr Dahl;
with. Rozsoshentsi 22/12, Poltavskyi district, Poltava region, 38751;
е-mail: irynayaroslavna@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3265-4733
Language: Ukrainian
Linguistic aphoristics (properly aphorisms, extensive and concise judgments, maxims) is that layer of the nation’s cultural heritage that is capable to represent the language to the average person in a simple, popular and figurative form to the citizens of Ukraine as a powerful national wealth. In the book of Taras Marusyk “30 years of Independence: language acts that change Ukraine” they perform culminating and actualizing functions. The place of the Ukrainian language in the information space of the country is skillfully defined, the actions of the authorities on this issue are shown, and an attempt is made to dispel known fakes about the state language, etc. The author of this book masterfully used a whole system of linguistic means in his aphorisms and maxims, the central place among which is occupied by the contrast and juxtaposition of phenomena, images that are opposite in essence, but connected to each other in terms of content and generality internal features. Since the author’s maxims fulfill the culminating function in the text of the book, then it can be argued that in the internal form the contrast of phenomena, which are often opposed to each other and embedded in the text are compared.
Of great importance in the linguistic aphorism of Taras Marusyk acquire periphrasis as tropes descriptively conveying the most characteristic features, signs of an object or person, phenomenon. They are used to express emotional enrichment of the text, manifestation of the author’s vision of reality, creating a pejorative coloring of the text.
Taras Marusyk’s aphoristics is marked by the use of one expressions of words of different stylistic colors, colloquial vocabulary in combined with graphic highlighting of articularly important words and phrases, which is often a means of creating a humorous or satirical color of the text.
Key words: aphoristics, aphorism, maxim, antonymic contrasts, paraphrase, pejorative coloring.
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