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» Journal Issues » 2023 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- № 98, 2023 » ENRICHMENT OF THE LEXICAL COMPOSITION OF THE LANGUAGE DURING THE 2022–2023 RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- № 98, 2023
УДК 811.161.2'06

methodologist of the linguistic and literary educational branch,
Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education;
5 Rymskoho-Korsakova St, Sumy, 40007, Ukraine;
е-mail: olgakononenko2706@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6530-8962

Language: Ukrainian

The increased interest in the problems of the development of the vocabulary of the Ukrainian literary language is explained from the point of view of the intensification of socio-political and national-cultural processes in Ukraine. Linguistic innovations concentrated the entire spectrum of emotions of the Ukrainian people towards the aggressor, his political henchmen in the world, as well as the attitude of Ukrainians to the inactivity and passivity of the vast majority of Russians. In particular, attention was paid to the updating of the military vocabulary, to the fixation of neologisms, which became indicators of the state of war in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on those lexemes-indicators of language development, which are markers of a new era and the changed life of Ukrainian society. It was noted that the motivators of the creation of new words and phraseology or the development of additional meanings in them were the surnames of famous people, their dominant signs and traits, actualized toponyms. The latest borrowings are highlighted. Attention is focused on a kind of “language shield”, the function of which is performed by shibboleths – code words that help to identify the occupiers.
he innovations of the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022–2023 accumulated in themselves the entire spectrum of emotions of the Ukrainian people towards the invaders, their political henchmen in Europe and the world, as well as the attitude of Ukrainians to the inaction and passivity of the vast majority of Russians. The motivators for the creation of new words were the surnames of prominent political figures or well-known public figures, their dominant features and traits, as well as Ukrainian toponymy, borrowings from the field of military equipment, etc. The analyzed material does not exhaust the whole variety of changes taking place in the Ukrainian lexicon, since the military operations are not over, which means that the process of creating neologisms, new meanings, and compounds continue.
Key words: vocabulary, neologism, shibboleth, secondary nomination, phraseology, military vocabulary, socio-political vocabulary.

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