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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №89 » TERMINOLOGY AS AN OBJECT OF MODERN GENERAL LANGUAGE LEXICOGRAPHY


Culture of the word, 2018, № 89

UDC 811.161.2’374:001.4



Liudmyla BOIAROVA,

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department ofthe Ukrainian Language, Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin

E-mail: lgbpage@meta.ua


Heading: Term and present
Language: Ukrainian


Abstract: This article deals with selecting a terminological vocabulary for general-purpose language dictionaries of different types. The issue is considered on the basis of two academic explanatory Ukrainian dictionaries and two academic Russian-Ukrainian dictionaries published in the 21st century. The analysis of these lexicographic works shows that the compilers of general language dictionaries traditionally select terminological vocabulary according to the criterion of prevalence of terms. A common attitude of submitting only widely used special language units can not be a decisive factor for codification of terminology in a general language dictionary. First, a large number of new terminological names have come into existence in the national terminology in the 21st century. These names have to be known to a well-educated person, but are not yet common among speakers. Second, even today in functioning Ukrainian language, raw semantic copies and lexical borrowings from the Russian language are often used. They duplicate original terms and, in terms of modern theory of terminology, do not have to be codified in Ukrainian lexicography.

We should take into account the specifics of terms as carriers of important information in the life of speakers, therefore the definition of the place of terminological vocabulary in dictionaries for the general public should be based not only on the frequency of use of professional units, but also on other principles. This article proposes to include the terminological vocabulary into general dictionaries according to three criteria: criterion oяf cognitive-communicative significance of a term, criterion of a term’s being normative and criterion of modernity of a term.In the 21st century, the lexicographers have to offer a model of an individual human vocabulary and should codify the standard linguistic units.

Keywords: terminology, lexicography, general explanatory dictionary, general translatory dictionary, criterion of codification of a term.



Baloh, V. O. (2003). Haluzeva leksyka v Slovnyku ukrainskoi movy v 11-ty tomakh (1970 – 1980 rr.) (semantychnyi ta stylistychnyi aspekty) [Branch lexics in the Ukrainian Language Dictionary in 11 volumes, 1970 – 1980, semantic and stylistic aspects]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv (in Ukr.).

Boiarova, L. (2008). Terminolohichna leksyka v zahalnomovnomu tlumachnomu slovnyku [Terminology as an object of modern general language lexicography]. Leksykohrafichnyi biuleten – Lexicographic Bulletin, 17, 13–24 (in Ukr.).

Tomilenko, L. M. (2015). Terminolohichna leksyka v suchasnii tlumachnii leksykohrafii ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy [Terminological lexics in modern explanatory lexicography of the literature Ukrainian language]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant (in Ukr.).


Dzherela [Source]

RUS – Annina, I. O.,Horiushyna, I. S.,&Hnatiuk, I. S. et al. (2003). Rosiisko-ukrainskyi slovnyk [Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary]. Kyiv: Abrys (inRus.-Ukr.).