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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №89 » ACADEMIC-LITERATORS – CREATORS OF СULTURE AND LANGUAGE


Culture of the word, 2018, № 89
UDC 811.161.2



Nataliia MEKH,

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Stylistics, Language  Culture and Sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001 Ukraine,
Е-mail: mno_logos@ukr.net


Heading: To the 100 anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian


Abstract: It seems to us, in the context of the 100 th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, to pay particular attention to the literary work of academicians-writers Pavlo Tychyna, Maksym Rylskyi, Oles Honchar, Mykhailo Stelmakh. They lived and worked in a very difficult time for Ukrainians, but they were able to say so much about their creativity… They could say what influenced the formation of future generations… Everyone about his… But so that they were heard…

Representatives of the Ukrainian scientific and cultural community are scholars of various fields of science, cultural figures, writers, linguists, etc., who for hundreds of years created cultural products at different time slots, contributing to the formation of multifaceted spiritual values.

The language of fiction is an important component of the creation of national consciousness, the national language picture of the world, since the writer is not only a model speaker, but also an active creator of the language.

Academic writers are cultural co-authors and linguists. They gave and continued to enable the scientific and cultural community to expand the existing horizons of their knowledge and, at the same time, prompted and continue to induce their scientific and literary creativity to immersion in the depths of our history and culture.

Key words: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, values, academicians-writers, culture organizers, language makers, culture, fiction.



About Pavlo Tychyna: articles, essays, memoirs (1976). Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Bokyi, I. (1993). Hard, but Righteous Happiness.Highness: Oles Honchar 75: Zb. materials. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Callist (Ure), bishop (2003). The inner kingdom. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Duz, I. M. (1988). In my heart… Artistic and documentary essays. Odesa (in Ukr.).

Honchar, O. (2005). Selected Works: 4 t. T.1. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Kononenko, T. P. (2008). Narodno-customary horizons of philosophy H. Skovoroda. Philosophy of Ukraine. Introduction to the methodology of Ukrainisn studies. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Our Mykhailo Stelmakh (1982). Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Pohribnyi, A. (2011). Soneclared carbs of the age. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Rylskyi,M. (1983).Selected Works: 20 t. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Shcherbak, Yu. (1993). «The Cathedral of the Human Soul». Highness: Oles Gonchar 75: Zb. materials. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Stelmakh, M. (1983). Selected Works: 7 t. T. 6. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Sverstiuk, Ye. (2015). Light voices of life. Кyiv (in Ukr.).

Tychyna, P. (1988).Selected Works: 12 t. T. 11. Кyiv (in Ukr.).