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  • e-ISSN 2708-9827
» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №89 » FOLK SOURCES OF THE POETIC LANGUAGE OF VASYL HOLOBORODKO


Culture of the word, 2018, № 89

UDC 811.161.2: 82.1: 81ʼ42




Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko

E-mail: tpb2016@ukr.net


Heading: Word in fiction
Language: Ukrainian


Abstract: The article attempts to find out the methods of introducing the author into a poetic text of multilevel folklore elements and the construction of an individual-authorʼs artistic-figurative system of education on the basis of them. The role of the folklore component in the formation of a poetic outlook, a language and poetic picture of the world of the artist is considered. The attention is paid to the peculiarities of use and methods of implementing multi-ethnic folklore elements in the architectonics of the authorʼs texts. The folkloric images, folklore situations, folk motifs as transformed realities of universal folklore are analyzed, taking into account their semantics, aesthetic content, stylistic functions. The folklore components in the structure of authorʼs poetic text as linguistic and aesthetic signs of Ukrainian culture are comprehended.

It is found out that the main feature of Holoborodko verlibres, which is related to epic folk genres, especially fairy tales, is the transcendental spirituality of the text: almost all realities of the works of the artist have the ability to speak (flowers, trees, phenomena of nature, objects of everyday life), act like a person (run, react to events, do something) (for example, cloud, wind, tree, pear, apple tree …). The special feature of the artistʼs manner is the transition – imperceptible and smooth – from the direct naming of reality – to the portable, personified, anthropomorphized its context-based play.

The purpose of the poetʼs words of the artist is not to copy or play folk reality, folk concepts, but to concentrate in the verbal words of superstitiousness, that is, all known folk experience, and based on this compression to build up the development of own thought.

Different levels of folk elements implemented by the author are organically inscribed in the form of a verliber. These elements are interconnected in the text, motivated by its content and are components that form the essence of thought. In the structure of the poetic work, they also appear in the facts of the authorʼs perception and verbally-figurative encoding of reality, and at the same time evidence of folk-language, nationalistic experience, and illustrations-realities of the absorbed and meaningful literary practice of folk-folk, folklore text-making. Folklore means the attributes of the creative use of language-figurative signs, the facts of further semantic-stylistic expansion of the conceptual and figurative content of folk-song images, their semantic consolidation.

Folk components in the idiostyle of the writer serve as convincing and indisputable evidence:

– connection of poetic creative experience with verbal creativity;

– an indicator of folk-cultural, genetically inherited memory; an example of artistic-figurative perfection;

– an example of national-life, national-language experience embodied, fixed in the word.

Folklore component acts as a component of the artistic, linguistic and aesthetic picture of the world of the artist.

Key words: verliber, folklore component, folklore and song images, idiostyle, transformation of folklore, folk song universal, linguistic aesthetic signs of Ukrainian culture, fairy tale, folk song, freckle, duma.



Holoborodko, V. Povne zibranna tvoriv. URL: http://tisk.org.ua/?p=8440

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