Culture of the word, 2018, № 89
UDC 81`1(477)“19/20“ (092): [ 81`1:001
Khrystyna DATSYSHYN,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Media Language of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Heading: Persons of Ukrainian linguists
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The language culture is one of the priority directions of linguistic research by Prof. Oleksandra Serbenska. The study of language culture should be associated with one of the concepts of O. Serbenska’s linguistic picture of the world – the concept of the SOWER, in which the ideas of labor, love, justice, goodness, faith, dialogue, responsibility are accumulated. As a sower has a duty to handle the field, so O. Serbenska speaks about duty to the language as a sacred substance, a treasury of folk wisdom and tradition this is a duty to disseminate knowledge about the language culture, to cultivate an aesthetic sense of language and responsibility of each for the fate of language and the destiny of the nation. O. Serbenska considers language as an environment that provides a valuable life for the nation and personality, which is the key to the preservation of statehood. Prof. O. Serbenska implements a new linguistic term the “language ecology”, its semantics is much wider than the semantics ofterm“language culture”. Ideas oflanguage ecologyare embodied in the manual “Antуsurzhуk” (authors O. Serbenska, M. Bilous, Kh. Datsyshyn, Yu. Redko, N. Stankevych, V. Babenko, A. Kapeliushnyi, A. Tokarska, O. Fedyk, ed. O. Serbenska); “An actual interview with linguist” (O. Serbenska, M. Voloshchak); in the universal “Dictionary of difficulties in the Ukrainian language” (authors D. Grynchyshyn, A. Kapeliushnyi, O. Paziak, O. Serbenska, Z. Terlak, ed. S. Yermolenko),“Dictionary of paronyms of the Ukrainian language” (D. Grynchyshyn, O. Serbenska),“Dictionary-handbook of the Ukrainian language culture” (D. Grynchyshyn, O. Serbenska, A. Kapelyushnyy, Z. Terlak), other scientific and educational publications. Much of them are designed for journalism students, whose work as creators of media texts is marked by an high level of responsibility. In the context of the culture of oral speech, O. Serbenska notices the importance the ability not only to speak, but to listen; emphasizes the necessity of correct, organic pronunciation of sounds which have a deep connection with the rhythms of the earth of each nation. The Spirit and the Word, according to the O. Serbenska’s scientific concept of the language culture and language ecology, give life-giving energy for the establishment of Ukrainianness.
Key words: language culture, language ecology, culture of spoken language, linguistic norm, surzhyk, antysurzhyk, linguistic picture of the world.
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