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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №89 » UZUAL AND OCCASIONAL IN AUTHOR’S NEW COINAGES OF NAMES OF PERSONS


Culture of the word, 2018, № 89

UDC 81.161.2,06,373




Doctor in Philology, Researcher of the Department of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural and Mathematical Linguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: larysa.kysliuk@gmail.com


Heading: Language and time
Language: Ukrainian


Abstract: The article considers author’s new coinages to designate of names of persons. The names of persons of author’s origin are constantly updated and actively replenish this group of vocabulary in linguistic practice.

The analysis of derivative words is based on the criterion of their uzuality or occasionality. The following derivative words are analyzed on the basis of their uzuality or occasional criterion. The gradation is proposed for author’s innovations on the designation of the names of persons by the criterion of activity, reproducibility, regularity on: active or regular (барабанник, протестувальник, упадальник); activated by the author, unproductive (дужень, новинкар, короля); unproductive or irregular (політпатолог).

Activation is revealed in the artistic style of some word-building types of the names of persons, which are the expressions of the typological features of the Ukrainian word-formation (злиденко, сиротенко, батийченко). New coinages of writers in the literature become a stimulus or an incentive to intensify the unproductive or the formation of a new word-formation model. In author’s journalism, most of the names of persons are usual (кучміст, захищальник).

It was found that against the backdrop of the active updating of the nouns of names of persons in the language practice, the author’s new coinages remain mostly occasional (бабусенція, чоловіченя, страхоносець). As a rule, they perform figuratively-expressive or emotionally-evaluative function in artistic text.

Key words: word formation, name of person, uzual, occasional, new coinage.



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