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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: THE PHILOSOPHY OF OLES HONCHAR’S LANGUAGE


Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 81’42
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9916-4915

YERMOLENKO Svitlana Yakivna
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е- mail: kultura-slova@ukr.net


Heading: Oles Honchar in the history of Ukrainian literary language
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the content of the concept “philosophy of Oles Honcharʼs language” is revealed through the characterization of the individual style of the writer and the discovery of the authorʼs peculiarities of his narration. Works on different subjects testify to the function of stylistem of fi lm frames as fi xation of moments of human life. According to the linguistic structure, the stylistics of the fi lm frames are reminiscent of remarks in dramatic works. They are indicative of microtext memories of past events and function as a stylistic means of approaching imaginary paintings to the reader.

The prose narrative of the writer combines the form of the cinematic vision of the depicted events, the characters and the dialogic-monological form of the transfer of refl ection, lyrical digressions of philosophical content, which formulate the eternal questions of mankind. They are addressed to the narrator himself and to modern readers. Above them, the specifi c characters of the writerʼs works are conceived.

The authorʼs text is constructed as an alternation of syntactic structures with the subject he (the name of a third person) and the structures of “you-appeal” – a kind of internal language in the text “I-narrator”). The philosophy of Oles Honcharʼs speech is also realized in the symbolic meaning of the names of his works, in particular in such language and aesthetic signs as “The Coast of Love”, “The Tronka”, “Man and weapons”, “Cyclone”, “Cathedral”, “Your star”.

In the narrative of O. Honchar symbolic content acquire the wordconcept of time, steppe, sky, sun, star, man, creativity, memory. In lexical-semantic and lexical-associative text fi elds these words interact lexical nominations of historical culture and nominations of the modern civilization life of mankind, which permeates the philosophy of the language of the writer, who “caught an inappropriate frame” of life and perpetuated it in language.

Key words: philosophy of Honcharʼs language, stylistem of expression – film frames, stylistem-reflections, monologue-dialogic narration, conceptualization of the dictionary, symbols of the names of works, ethnoculturems.

Honchar, O. (1980). Writing Thoughts. Kyiv: Dnipro (in Ukr.).
Krymskyi, S. B. (2003). Requests for philosophical meanings. Kyiv: Parapan (in Ukr.).

БЛ – The Coast of Love (Bereh liubovi)
ЛіЗ – Man and weapons (Liudyna i zbroia)
T – Tronka (Tronka)
TЗ – Your star (Tvoia Zoria)
Ц – Cyclone (Tsyklon)