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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: Sources of Оles Honcharʼs linguistic creativity in the Kharkiv period

Abstracts: Sources of Оles Honcharʼs linguistic creativity in the Kharkiv period

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 811.161.2’42
ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-3360-8421

CHEREMSKA Olha Stepanivna –
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Language Preparation of Foreign Citizens of the Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
9-A Nauky Ave., Kharkiv 61166, Ukraine
Е-mail: olha.cheremska@hneu.net

MASLO Olena Volodymyrivna –
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Ukrainian and Russian philology of Communal establishment the «Kharkiv humanitarian-pedagogical academy»
7 Rustaveli byst, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Heading: Word in Oles Honcharʼs fiction
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article describes linguistic stylistic analysis of Oles Honcharʼs early works represented by essays, which create the linguistic image of Kharkiv as a student city and the most notable stories such as “Cherry Blossoms”, “Ivan Mostovyi”, “Palma”, “Eagle”, “Girlfriends”. Attention focused on the means of creating imagery in these stories: associative imagery fields, synonymous ranks of attributes and verbs with gradation semantics; color, sound and sensual contrasts, epithets and metaphorical structures. The characteristic features of the writerʼs idiostyle are mentioned: a journalistic style of writing, a wide palette of linguistic means of creating an image, a symbolic filling of the landscape, dramatization of the narrative.

The researchers point out the originality of the writerʼs thinking, the depth of the authorʼs worldview, verbalized by existential, impressionistic means of reproduction of reality, manifested by symbolic interpretations of figurative codes of Ukrainian mentality, which, in interaction, explode the national-language picture of the world.

Thus, early journalism and pre-war stories and novels by Oles Honchar became the source of a peculiar authorʼs vision of the time and place of man in it. Impressionist landscapes, contrasting associative-shaped fields, created by appropriate linguistic means, the dramatization of the narrative, and the symbolic filling of individual images are achieved in the further creativity of the writer of complete skill and depth.

Key words: Оles Honcharʼs linguistic creativity, essays, stories, associative imagery fi elds, symbolic images, impressionistic landscapes, sequence synonyms, verbal metaphors.


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