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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: “And from there, from the blue sky, white pearls are flying…” (Names denoting colour in O. Honcharʼs novel “Iron Island”)

Abstracts: “And from there, from the blue sky, white pearls are flying…” (Names denoting colour in O. Honcharʼs novel “Iron Island”)

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 81’38

YATSENKO Nina Oleksandrivna –
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of grammar and scientifi c terminology of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: n.yats@ukr.net

Heading: Word in Oles Honcharʼs fiction
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of the semantic and figurative possibilities of names denoting colours in the novel «Iron Island» written by Oles Honchar. It is found out that contrast is the main compositional method on which the novel is based. Confronting the immortal beauty of nature, the life and the unnaturalness of the steel island, the old rusty ship transmits artistic definitions blue (синій); steel (сталевий).The names denoting colours reproduce primarily the individual authorʼs picture of the world, for this such components serve: 1) the aesthetic orientation of color vocabulary use, which enhances the expressiveness of the description of the artistic space; 2) combining in one statement such names, which have visually fixed opposing semantic plans or enter into context-related opposing relations; 3) use along with color a particle аж; 4) modeling on the basis of color palettes of the epithets, comparisons, metaphors, metonymy etc., which represent the figurative structure of the colored paradigm of O. Honcharʼs style. The names denoting colour are one of the markers of O. Honcharʼs style. They are represented by various grammatical forms (adjectives, nouns, verbs, participles). Adjectives black, gray, white, red are used with names denoting fauna and flora (gray fl ies, white gull, red algae etc.). The meaning of blue (синій) is the most frequent characteristic of the sky, expanse. The synonymous name is bluish (синява), (ʻblue space of the sea, blue surface (about the sky, the sea)ʼ – СУМ IX: 191): blue sea; bluish silence; boundless, sapphire bluish). The use of blue is dominant in writerʼs the language palette.

We support the opinion of N. M. Solohub, a researcher of O. Honcharʼs language, that «Ways of enriching native language expressiveness are different, multidimensional. A significant role among them belongs to the use of vocabulary denoting colours».

Key words: idiostyle, coloronomen, contrast, semantics, grammatical form, literary determination, imaginative structure, fauno- and fl oronomena, master.


  1. Honchar, O. (1963). Tronka: Novel in short stories. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  2. Donchyk, V. H. (1987). Ukrainian Soviet novel. Movement of ideas and forms. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  3. Zhulynskyi, M. (2011). Ukrainian literature: creators and works: students, students, teachers. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  4. СУМ 1970 – 1980 – Dictionary of the Ukrainian language (11 vol.). (1970 – 1980). Kyiv: Naukova dumka (in Ukr.)
  5. Solohub, N. M. (1991). Language World of Oles Honchar. Kyiv (in Ukr.)