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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: Idealem “memory” in Oles Honcharʼs philosophy of language (On the material of the language of the novel «Tronka»)

Abstracts: Idealem “memory” in Oles Honcharʼs philosophy of language (On the material of the language of the novel «Tronka»)

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 81’38
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9765-497X

BYBYK Svitlana Pavlivna –
 Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher in the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics of Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: sbybyk2016@ukr.net

Heading: Word in Oles Honcharʼs fiction
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of the language of O. Honcharʼs novel “Tronka”. The research is carried out in the context of the conceptsign, archetype deployment of the ideals of “memory”.

This linguistic-aesthetic phenomenon is presented as associativefi gurative lines (subedales): earth, man, linguistic-subject, linguisticpsychological signs of time, history of Ukraine, in particular the southern. In the framework of each subdeleme, the microelectoms are determined. For example, the land is a steppe, people are the inhabitants of the steppe, Cimarians, Sarmatians, Scythians, Chumakh, shepherds, masters, laborers. The language-subject signs of the time are represented by symbolized names of the realities of the barrage, the trochan, the bayd, the boat, the wooden plate. Among the linguistic and psychological signs are astronomers of the stars, the Chumatskyi Shliakh, the names of the realities of culture (the song, the sounds of a cricket, the sound of a patch, a camel, a towel).

The symbols of time and realities of different periods of life of world civilization became the names of the Scythian woman, Sphinx, Aristophanes, Herodotus, pyramids, cruiser, socio-political names of persons (Trotskyites, Bukharintsy), names of specialized vehicles, and others.

Each of these lines, passing through all the text, is presented from the point of view of the linguistic vocabulary of prose language of O. Honchar.

First of all, attention is focused on the actualization of the problems of preserving the connection with the native land, people, its culture, preservation of nature, awareness of panoramas of the history of Ukraine in the world cultural context. For example, in the form of symbolization of names, metaphorization in the formation of appropriate images of memory, the role of epithelium structures noted.

 Key words: the ideal, the subideal, the micro- ideal, the language of prose, the language of O. Honchar, the associative-image line, the language aesthetic sign, the language-psychological sign, the code of the nation, the word-symbol, the verbal image, the associative-shaped series.


  1. Honchar, O. (1967). Works in fi ve volumes. Kyiv: Dnipro. Vol. 5: Tronka (in Ukr.).
  2. Goian, Ya. (2013). Introduction. Oles Honchar: Bibliographic index. Kyiv: Ukrainskyi pysmennyk (in Ukr.).
  3. Solohub, N. M. (1991). The language world of Oles Honchar. Kyiv: Naukova dumka (in Ukr.).