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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: Interpretation of the precedent name in the publicism of Oles Honchar

Abstracts: Interpretation of the precedent name in the publicism of Oles Honchar

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 811.161.2’38
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3328-4842

SYNYTSIA Anastasiia Serhiivna – Рostgraduate student of the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics of the Institute of Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi, St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
E-mail: SinitsaSinitsaSinitsa@gmail.com

Heading: Reception of Oles Honchar’s views in the history of Ukrainian culture
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the descriptive interpretation of the precedent name of Lesia Ukrainka as a culturally signifi cant phenomenon of the national-language picture of the world of Ukrainians. The author turned to studying Oles Honchar internal lexicon as refl ecting the peculiarities of the perception of a particular historical and cultural personality, which became the source of a nationally registered precedent name. Explication of authorʼs verbal associations is carried out by analysing the text created by him. Precedent motivators can be those proper names that allow to carry out certain argumentative operations using motivational features of the language sign – onim. The actual name must contain such historicalcultural, biographical or other information, which is not only known to the vast majority of carriers of a particular linguistic culture, but also has meaningful settings and norms, value orientations, cultural codes that, under certain conditions, can be reinterpreted, redefi ned. Finding such features is especially important for understanding the essence of the formation of a precedent name. The material for the exploration was an article written by Oles Honchar for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Lesia Ukrainka.

The author begins the analysis of the formation of precedent meanings in the proper name with the study of the title of the article. The titles of the article are analyzed as a kind of associative and verbal chain that explains author associations as a reaction to verbal motivator (proper name-stimulus) “Lesia Ukrainka”. This allows us to consider them as individual and as such as to enable us to describe the differential features that determine the core of the precedent name in the language consciousness of Oles Honchar. The most important signs of Lesia Ukrainka for the author of the text are: a) belonging to a single community with us (state, collective, land, people); b) signifi cance for the Ukrainian people (glory, pride); c) a woman with extraordinary creative abilities. In the text of the article precedent signs of this name are supplemented and verbalized with the help of different lexical units. In the article under review, we observe the initial stage of the formation of a precedent areola in the name, that is, the stage of distinguishing the differential features in the denotate. It is these signs that determine the semantic core of the precedentʼs name motivator.

Key words: Oles Honchar, Lesia Ukrainka, precedent motivator, precedent name.


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