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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: Lingvo stylistic means of lyricism in the short stories by Oles Honchar

Abstracts: Lingvo stylistic means of lyricism in the short stories by Oles Honchar

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 811.161.2’38+821.161.2’06-32Гончар.08

DANYLIUK Nina Oleksiivna –
Doctor of Philology, full time professor of the department of the Ukrainian language of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
13 Voli St., Lutsk, 43025, Ukraine
Е-mail: danyluk@eenu.edu.ua

Heading: Word in Oles Honcharʼs fiction
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the studies of the lingvostylistic means of lyricism in the O. Honcharʼs novels. Lyricism as a stylistic feature of poetic as well as prosaic works by the writer is realized through the esthetic perception of the reality, by the emotional experience of events and phenomena that are reflected in the lingvostylistic means.

Means of lyricism in the short stories by O. Honchar are analyzed according to the three sections of the lingvo-artistic world that were suggested by S. Yermolenko: 1) a time section of an everyday culture, that is a technical, humanitarian vocabulary of a certain epoch; 2) a psychological, intellectual section that reflects a category of evaluation; 3) a section of imaginary communication with the reader. A time section is represented by the language units, which describe the war and postwar realities in Ukraine as well as outside its borders: proper and common terms, that mark the areas of war events or peace work: ЧеськоСловенська республіка, Естонська республіка, Угорщина, Морава, Верховина, Вісла, Чари-комиші, Прага, Будапешт, Український фронт; ліс, болото, степ, коса, берег, дорога, хата; ніч, день, ранок, вечір, весна, осінь etc. The following terms help to create a realistic picture of war horrors: батарея бункер, піхота, артилерія, міномет, автомат, боєприпаси, старшина, передова, осколок, рана, бинти, халат, партизани, рація, грузовик, марш, солдати, привал, командир, дезертир, батальйон, боєць etc. The following terms and word combinations are used to describe the post-war regeneration and they are connected with the rebirth of a collective farm village: білі будиночки, кузні, майстерні, сокири, рубанки, молотки, колгоспники, трактористка, майстер, голова, артіль, риболовецька бригада, клуб, МТС etc. There are a lot of terms that are connected with the rebuilding of towns, factories and education institutions: Дніпрогес, турбіна, гребля, станція, завод, цех, траса, лісосплав; медицинська академія, інститут, доцент, студентки, кафедра, піонер etc.

The author was able to create complete lyrical descriptions of the environment, that are saturated with the names of nature (небо, схід, зірниці, вогонь, птахи, коні, гори, долина, ліс, ріка, комиші etc.), artistic notations, metaphorical-personifi cations that are inspired by the presence of human beings. The novels are full of linguistic images of young girls that are presented with love and affection: словачки Терези («Модри Камень»), латвійки Марти («Усман та Марта»), угорки Лариси («За мить щастя»), степовички Оксани («Жайворонок»), горянки Маші («Маша з Верховини»), передовички Меланії («Соняшнини»), доньки лісника Нателли («Дорога за хмари»), випускниці біофаку Ольги («На косі»), медсестри Ліди («З тих ночей»).

Psychological and intellectual section of the story is presented with the philosophical meditations of the author about peopleʼs highest emotions, sense of life and work, about attitude towards nature, towards native language, towards the cultural achievements as a nation. Despite the war horrors and difficult post-war life, the hearts of the lyrical heroes are open for love, that is skilfully described by the author in many novels. A section of the imaginary communication with the reader is represented by monologues and dialogic thinking of the lyric heroes.

So, the lyricism and psychological intensity are achieved with the help of the following lingvostylistic means as: artistic epithets, close resemblance, metaphorical personifications, paraphrases, traditional and updated phraseological units, authorʼs aphorisms, thrilled monologues and dialogues, different types of repetitions, homogenous parts of the sentence, rhythmic syntactic constructions, etc. that form the aesthetic ideal language of literature.

Key words: lingvostylistic means of lyricism, linguistic image of a person, linguistic map of the nature, epithet, comparison, metaphorical personifications, phraseological unit, monologue, dialogue, paraphrase, syntactic construction, repetition, aphorism, rhythmization.


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