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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: The Word of Oles Honcharʼs in the dictionary of synonyms of the Ukrainian language

Abstracts: The Word of Oles Honcharʼs in the dictionary of synonyms of the Ukrainian language

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 811.161

PETRENKO Liliia Ivanivna – Editor-in-Chief of the “Ukrainian Language” Magazine, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
E-mail: kultura-slova@ukr.net

Heading: The word of Oles Honchar in the dictionary
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article focuses on the infl uence of Oles Honcharʼs linguistic work on the development of the lexical system of the Ukrainian language, in particular its synonyms, recorded in the synonym dictionary. Illustrative material from creative writing of the writer in lexicographic work is analyzed. The two most numerous groups of synonyms – verb and adjective are considered. The material testifi es that the vocabulary recorded in the vocabulary vocabulary is mainly a stylistically neutral fund of the commonly used vocabulary of the Ukrainian language.

Creativity of Oles Honchar had a signifi cant infl uence on the formation and codifi cation of the Ukrainian literary norm, which certifi es dictionaries of various types.

The synonymous wealth of the Ukrainian language reveals, in particular, the illustrative material of Oles Honchar in the Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language (1999 – 2000). In this work, quotes from the writerʼs writing to different parts of the language are given, among which the most numerous group is the verbs and adjectives belonging mainly to the stylistically neutral, commonly used vocabulary of the Ukrainian language. Conversational units have remarks: humorous, ironic, petty, familiar. The synonymous fund of the Ukrainian language and the words marked “poetic” are supplemented.

Verbal synonyms represent the following semantic groups: verbs to denote motion, movement; the physical, emotional state of man, his feelings, desires; attitude, relation to the object; defi nition of phenomena of nature; direction of action; conversations.

A large group of words, illustrated by examples from the works of Oles Honchar, make adjectives synonymous. Among them, we differentiate the following lexico-semantic groups: external features of the subject; appearance, physical condition of the person; character, perception of a person; impression, perception of the surrounding world.

The dictionary of synonyms of the Ukrainian language captures the signifi cant infl uence of Oles Honcharʼs language skills on the development of fi gurative means of the Ukrainian language. Illustrative material with commonly used vocabulary, which in the context is an element of conceptual synonymic series, demonstrates their tradition of use in the literary language and the formation of new shades of values in synonymous series.

Key words: dictionary of synonyms, synonyms, commonly used vocabulary, stylistically marked vocabulary, verb, adjective.


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