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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: Types of lexical expressives in the idiolect of Oles Honchar

Abstracts: Types of lexical expressives in the idiolect of Oles Honchar

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 811.161.2.

BOIKO Nadiia Ivanivna –
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Ukrainian Language of the Mykola Hohol Nizhyn State University
2 Hrafska St., Nizhyn 16600, Chernihivska Oblast, Ukraine
E-mail: ndu@ndu.edu.ua

Heading: Word in Oles Honcharʼs fiction
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Lexical expressive means function actively in the literary texts of Oles Honchar. The semantic structures of the expressive lexical units are marked by the spiritual-aesthetic, emotional-estimation and a number of other diverse basic intentions of the speakers. In the semantics of expressive lexical units, the fragments of the external world, the medium in which the addressee and the sender are located, and the inner world, are objectified by the potential expressiveness of the linguistic units.

The study of types of lexical expressions in the literary texts of the writer was carried out with the support of a number of methodological principles, taking into account the expediency and importance of using four approaches – semantic, pragmatical, stylistic and functional. The basic foundations of expressiveness of a particular lexical unit are the components of its semantic structure – macrocomponents that objectify emotional and axiological semantic plans and serve as stimuli of reaction to external or internal influences, sensory manifestations of communicants. The semantic structure of lexical expressiveness is a peculiar model, which consists of macrocomponents and components (seven).

In the idiolect of Oles Honchar, the active functioning of the two classes of expressions – with the inertial and adherent types of expressivity – was revealed. The first class represents the generic expressive nouns, adjectives, and verbs with the dominant semament ʻintensityʼ. The adherent type of expressiveness of lexical units is due to their contextual conditions, the influence of the semantics of other neighboring units.

It was established that in the ideology of Oles Honchar, the functional-semantic category of expressiveness is represented by denotative-connotative, connotative, and figuratively-conotative types of lexical expressions. In the composition of expressions with the figurative-connotative type of lexical expressiveness, three groups are distinguished: 1) occasional words; 2) lexical units with actualized in the context of the visual and emotional sensory plans; 3) metaphorized (semantically derivative) lexical units that emerged as the centers of individual authorʼs tropical structures. It is revealed that lexical units with connotative and figuratively-connotative types of expressiveness dominate in the idiolect of Oles Honchar.

 Key words: expressiveness, types of lexical expressions, macrocomponent, semantics, idiolect, Oles Honchar.


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