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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Abstracts: A pure fire heart or the Oles Honcharʼs creation in the pages of the magazine “Radianska Zhinka” (“Soviet Womanʼs”)

Abstracts: A pure fire heart or the Oles Honcharʼs creation in the pages of the magazine “Radianska Zhinka” (“Soviet Womanʼs”)

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 81’38
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2868-3953

MAMYCH Myroslava Volodymyrivna –
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics of the National University «Odessa Law Academy»
23 Fontanska Road, Odessa 65000, Ukraine
E-mail: miroslavamiros@ukr.net

Heading: Reception of Oles Honchar’s views in the history of Ukrainian culture
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the language of prose works, as well as the journalistic performance-interview of Oles Honchar, which were published in the middle of the twentieth century on the pages of the magazine “Soviet woman”.

The emphasis was made on the philosophy of language thinking of the writer and publicist, the characteristic for his linguistic and aesthetic canon of idealem were determined. In particular, based on the passages from the novels “The Tronka”, “The Sobor”, the story “The Bryhantyna” generalizes the means of creating a verbal image of a person of work – a woman. Its timeliness, the combination of folk-speaking and book, journalistic in it was noted. The analysis of the interview revealed the cultural-centrism, humanism of the journalistic discourse of O. Honchar, its correspondence to the demands of time, the attention of the writer-thinker to the problems of ecology, peace, spirituality, protection of the mother tongue. The cultural-centerism of Oles Honcharʼs philosophy is demonstrated through his conviction that all spiritual and physical labor should be directed to tomorrow, and this future is inseparable from the establishment of a national culture.

In addition, it was noted that onim “Honchar” is also used as a component of the lexicon of crossword puzzles, that also emphasizes its prominence in the history of Ukrainian culture.

The figure of Oles Honchar at the pages of the magazine “Soviet Woman” is presented as a person who played a prominent role in the cultural and sociopolitical, in particular, ideological, community life. This led to the attention to his Word as a linguo-aesthetic, informational-educational, and instructionaly-educational phenomenon. Everything became the property of time, marked by the ideals of the middle of the twentieth century, however, the pathetic, sublime, life-affirmation of published contexts does not lose its relevance due to the saturation of the positive ideal of the Person of Spirit, Person of Labor.

 Key words: language of prose, language of journalism, verbal image of person of labor, literacy, expressiveness, journalism, offi cial discourse, idealem.


  1. Honchar, O. (1963). Lukia, chairman of the worker. Radianska zhinka (Soviet Woman), 1 (in Ukr.)
  2. Honchar, O. (1973). Oksana-hectare. Radianska zhinka (Soviet Woman), 2 (in Ukr.)
  3. Honchar, O. (1988). He who does not love nature, he does not like and man, he is not a citizen! Radianska zhinka (Soviet Woman), 4 (in Ukr.)
  4. Honchar, O. (1966). Front-wheel drive. Radianska zhinka (Soviet Woman), 4 (in Ukr.)
  5. Pure Heart Fire (1955). Radianska zhinka (Soviet Woman), 3 (in Ukr.)