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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Language portrait of Oles Honchar in ukrainian film documentary

Language portrait of Oles Honchar in ukrainian film documentary

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 81’38
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2938-5306

GANZHA Anhelina Yuriivna –
Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior researcher in the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
E-mail: ganzhalina@ukr.net

Heading: Reception of Oles Honchar’s views in the history of Ukrainian culture
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The author of the article attempts to analyze the specifi cs of the creation of a lingual portrait of the writer by means of cinema on the example of documentary fi lms about Oles Honchar – “Giant of the steppes”, “The Architect of the human soul”, “Oles Honchar. Cathedral”,”World Star of Oles Honchar”.

A powerful creative potential of the literary practice of the writer, impeccable possession of the literary standard of the Ukrainian language, exemplary linguistic norm, represented in artistic and journalistic texts, constant continuous work on the word gives grounds to speak about the lingual phenomenon of Oles Honchar in the language and cultural space of his time.

The direct speech of Oles Honchar in documentary immediately regulates the reception of the ideological and mood lines of the fi lm, translates to the spectators his vision of the word and understanding of the role of the writer in society, his responsibility for each of his work to himself and to people.

For the linguist-researcher, the background knowledge of the writerʼs linguistic personality combined with the reception of audiovisual information makes it possible to notice, feel and fi x the details of superfi ne features of the linguistic image of the wizard of the word.

One of the most important strokes of the lingual portrait of Oles Honchar is the maximum naturalness and, accordingly, (in the philosophical sense) the veracity of his language. Due to this, Oles Honcharʼs versatile texts had every reason to claim full realization of their pragmatic directions among the widest possible audience of recipients.

Key words: lingual portrait of the writer, communicative image, history of literary language, documentary film.


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