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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » Oles Honcharʼs roman “Sobor” as a manifestation of “the aspiration of man to eternity”

Oles Honcharʼs roman “Sobor” as a manifestation of “the aspiration of man to eternity”

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 811.161.2

MEKH Nataliia Oleksandrivna –
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher in the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001 Ukraine
Е-mail: mno_logos@ukr.net

Heading: Reception of Oles Honchar’s views in the history of Ukrainian culture
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article attempts to take a look at Oles Honcharʼs novel “Sobor” in a broad linguistic and cultural sense. The work is considered as a spiritual testament of the author. The novel is represented by the eyes of contemporaries. Particular attention is paid to the past of our people, in particular, the Cossacks.

Musical accents in the composition, comparisons, epithets, and other artistic means testify that Oles Honchar is a person of high spiritual culture and wide artistic preference. True music, architecture, history – all this is in the circle of artistʼs interests. All this is not ordinary and refers to true values, to cultural memory, to the golden fund of the people.

The fi ligree work of the wizard, the attention to each word, and, at the same time, openness, courage in defending their views, their values and beliefs – all of this we fi nd on the pages of the novel.

Honoring the glorious manifestations of the Ukrainian spirit at various time sections of the historical development of our people, the determination to preserve and cultivate spiritual treasures, love for people and the homeland – all this we see in the “eagle” “Cathedral” Oles Honchar.

This work reminds us of the «spirit of majestic freedom», directs us to eternity, to eternal values. It, like a gigantic bell, strives to awaken us, calls once more and once again to comprehend our lives, begs us «Save the soothsayers of you, friends … Cathedrals of souls!..».

 Key words: Cathedral, values, eternity, faith, national treasures, Cossack.


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