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  • e-ISSN 2708-9827
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №90 » Abstract: The idea of “yourself – another” in the Ukrainian migrant legislation (On the material of A. Chapai’s novel “Ponaihali”)

Abstract: The idea of “yourself – another” in the Ukrainian migrant legislation (On the material of A. Chapai’s novel “Ponaihali”)

№ 90, 2019

Culture of the word, 2019, № 90
UDC 811.161.2’38

Svitlana BYBYK,
Doctor of Philology, Leading researcher of the Department of Stylistics, Culture of the Language and Sociolinguistics Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
Е-mail: sbybyk2016@ukr.net

Heading: Linguosophy of the modern of the Ukrainian prose text
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents linguocognitive analysis of contemporary prose work. The basis of the research methodology was the definition of three conceptual lines that represent the ideal of “one’s own stranger” from the point of view of self-, mutual evaluation of characters. These lines are one of the varieties of textual stylistic paradigms, which are based on associative-figurative and semantic-stylistic principles (microgroups, subgroups), reflect the ideas and motives of the authorʼs language. The stylistic load of common vocabulary names of persons by affinity, by national and ethnic origin, by occupation, by territorial origin, by color epithets is shown. The semantic-grammatical and stylistic changes in the verb “came down”, in the nouns “mother”, “orphan”, in personal and possessive pronouns are noted. Emphasis is placed on the barbarization, vulgarization of linguistic thinking of the generation of parents and children, on the linguistics of the polarization of family members by linguistic, temporal and spatial features.

The concept of “Me and my world” is such a perspective from which the writer represents the migration of Ukrainians, not only in the world, but also within the internal spiritual, moral and psychological boundaries, as evidenced by the relevant metaphor in reasoning-generalizations

The characters are put by the author in various natural-geographical, linguistic-cultural, economic conditions. But all migrant workers are caught by three associative-semantic lines of the ideal of “one’s own-stranger”, which are verbalized through characteristic nominative, nominally-evaluative complexes. Based on such a stylistic model A. Chapai focuses on the existence of modern Ukrainian, on the transformation of linguistic and cultural consciousness of the generation of “parents and children”.


Keywords: language of contemporary Ukrainian prose, ideal, concept, names of persons, secondary nomination, epithet, barbarism, vulgarism, jargon, slangism.