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  • e-ISSN 2708-9827
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №90 » Linguostylistic reception D. Shekelʼs novel collage “Rodaky”

Linguostylistic reception D. Shekelʼs novel collage “Rodaky”

Culture of the word, 2019, № 90
UDC 811.161


Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е- mail: kultura-slova@ukr.net


Heading: Linguosophy of the modern of the Ukrainian prose text
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the linguostylistycal reception of Dmitry Keshelʼs work “Rodaky”; formation of signs of syncretic idiostyle, reproduction by means of local speech of the everyday culture of Transcarpathian village, individualization of linguistic and artistic portraits of characters, detection of depicted scenes, realities of signs of a specific historical time are traced. The attention is focused on the linguistic means of creating the comic of the authorʼs narrative, on the combination of the comic and informative in the artistically holistic author’s narrative, the real-earth, the conversationally-reduced and the lyrically-poetic, high-spirited. The stylistic variations of the authorʼs narrative are based on the structural-linguistic and communicative-pragmatic possibilities of the Ukrainian language as a means of reproducing artistic reality, in which the real is combined with the imaginary grotesque, with the deep psychological, which the author addresses. The stylization of local speech aims not only at individualizing the language of the characters, but also at marking the socio-territorial specificity of the Ukrainian language in its temporal dimension.


Keywords: idiostyle syncretism, novel-collage, stylization, local dialect, negative connotations, comism, lyricism, proper names, linguistic signs of the times.

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