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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №90 » Sound in the individual poetic picture of the world of Mykola Vihranovskyi

Sound in the individual poetic picture of the world of Mykola Vihranovskyi

№ 90, 2019

Culture of the word, 2019, № 90
UDC 811.161.2’42

PhD (in Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Ukrainian Studies, Bogomolets National Medical University, 13, T. Shevchenko blvd, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
E-mail: ivanenko@ukr.net


Heading: Word in poetic
Language: Ukrainian


The article analyzes models of metaphorical description of sounds that are relevant to M. Vinhranovsky’s individual poetic picture of the world.

It is determined that the most productive type of audio metaphorization is related to the verbalization of associative sound-to-nature relationships. Its relevance is determined by the collective (secured by verbal tradition) and individual (author) experience of perceiving objects of national space, such as river, sky, water, forest, grove, trees, as well as related phenomena of nature (wind, storm, thunder, rain). and living things (birds, animals, insects). The persistence of associations in the poetic texts motivated by this experience has been consistently confirmed.

The collective and individual experience of perception of the phenomena of the nature of rain, thunderstorm, rain, wind, water motivates the active use of «sound» verbs, which metaphorize the various actions and intensity of manifestation of these phenomena.

The stylistic performance of common linguistic formulas with stylistically neutral verbs – carriers of the archives of ‘sounds of nature’ is traced.

It is proved that an important fragment of the sound definition of the world in the national linguistic-poetic practice and in the idyllic style of M. Vinhranovsky as its symbolic fragment is the image of “silence”.

Updating the “zero” manifestation of audio semantics, it creates a semantic opposition to images with the seven “sound”. The aesthetic unfolding of the image of silence in various structural metaphorical structures: verbal predicative, verbal object, oxymoronic, tautological is attested.

Analyzed metaphors confirm that the aesthetized verbalization of sound impressions is one of the dominants of M. Vinhranovsky’s individual poetic phrase, in which the metaphors with the seven ‘sound’ are indisputable artistic dominants.

Keywords: M. Vinhranovsky’s idiostyle, sound image, sound metaphor, sound image of nature, image of silence.


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