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  • Print ISSN 0201-419Х
  • e-ISSN 2708-9827
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №91 » Abstracts: CONCEPT «FAIR» IN UKRAINIAN LAUGHABLE CULTURE


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-00029765-497X

Svitlana BYBYK,
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Leading researcher of the Department of Stylistics, Culture of the Language and Sociolinguistics Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
Е-mail: sbybyk2016@ukr.net

The article analyzes prose works of the 19th – 20th centuries, presenting verbal pictures of the fair environment. The concept of «fairs» is modeled on the material of the language of works of art by G. Kvitka-Osnovianenko, I. Nechui-Levytskii, S. Rudanskii, O. Vishnia. Several subconcepts have been implemented in them: fair as a cluster; fair as a voice; fair as a living element; fair and grassroots literature; fair as entertainment.

The objects of analysis were the vocabulary and phraseology of the respective contexts, as well as stylistic techniques for creating a fair humorous color. There are several varieties of folklore texts (or folklore texts) used by writers as a means of stylizing the animal element at fairs in Ukraine, as well as expressing the variety of socio-cultural masks presented to them (salesman, Jew, gypsy, blind musician, petitioner, gambler, etc.).

It is emphasized that the concept of «fair» in the relevant narrative texts retains signs of burlesque and enlightenment.

Particular attention is paid in the article to the fact that the texts of fair laughter culture are focused on the traditions of the «bottom», which contrast with the traditions of secular literature and culture in general, that is, the traditions of «the top».

In analyzing the verbal imagery of the fair in prose works, it is taken into account that the basic techniques of creating a humorous color are the amplifi cation of titles, actions, processes, as well as pun, the contractual blending of high into low, book and spoken, concepts related to the concept, «yourown – someoneelse’s».

Keywords: concept, sub-concept, stylistic reception, amplification, pun, phraseology, vocabulary, everyday life, humorous color, irony, Ukrainian laugh culture.

  1. Bahtin, M. M. (1990). The work of Francois Rabelais and the folk culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 2nd edition. Moskva: Khudozhestvennaya literatura (in Rus.).
  2. Kichigin, V.P. (1986). From folk-poetic forms to artistic whole story: «Soldier’s patret» by G. Kvitka-Osnovіanenko (p. 49 – 67). Development of genres in Ukrainian literature of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (in Ukr.).
  3. Semeniuk, L. (2019). The nature of folk laugh culture and the phenomenon of grassroots baroque in Ukraine. Synopsis: text, context, media, 25(1), 23 – 30 (in Ukr.).
  4. Chizhevsky, D. (1994). History of Ukrainian Literature: From the Beginnings to the Age of Realism. Ternopil: Femina (in Ukr.).


  • КГ – O. Vyshnia «When did I fi rst hear about Gogol?»
  • М – H. Kvitka-Osnov’ianenko «Marusya»
  • ПС – H. Kvitka-Osnov’ianenko «Prahim Breakfast»
  • ПЯ – S. Rudanski «Pip at the fair»
  • РУЯ – I. Nechui-Levytskyi «Annual Ukrainian Fair»
  • СП – H. Kvitka-Osnov’ianenko»Soldier’s Portrait»
  • СУМ – Dictionary of Ukrainian: in 11 volumes. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1970 – 1980.
  • Х – S. Rudanskyi «Necklace»
  • ЦК – S. Rudanskyi «Gypsy with a horse»
  • Я – O. Vyshnia «Fair»