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  • +38 (044) 278-42-81
  • Print ISSN 0201-419Х
  • e-ISSN 2708-9827
» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №91 » LINGUOSOPHY OF MODERN HUMOR AND SATIREIN THE PEOPLE’S JOURNAL


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-00034622-9559

Tetiana KOTS,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Stylistics, Language Culture and Sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
Е-mail: tetyana_kots@ukr.net

The article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic means of humor and satire in Magazine «Perets». Particular attention is paid to the nuclear concepts of texts (power, social sphere, economy) around which the satirical-humorous paradigms of language are formed. Humorous-satirical effect is achieved by combining high and low styles, combining in one row of heterogeneous objects, contextual logical inconsistency, repetition of ambiguous words, accumulation of synonyms, use of the periphery of transformed folk-speaking phraseologies. The main function of laughter at the present stage of society is to minimize social stress, to adapt the society to a radical change in socio-cultural values, to maximize painless perception of daily household difficulties.

The content of Magazine «Perets» remains an expression of nationalintellectual humor, a testament to the moral and psychological health of Ukrainians, who, laughing, saying goodbye to the past, trying to change contemporary realities, establish themselves, and preserve universal values. It became the main illustrated satirical-humorous magazine, a manifestation of the defensive reaction of Ukrainians against various threats, authorities, authorities, the fi xator of Ukrainian noble laugh culture. Since the end of the twentieth century. The edition is dominated by satirical texts with a sharply revealing character with elements of sarcasm, the defining feature of which is malleability, documentalism, exposition of important social phenomena, important social events.

Keywords: humor, irony, satire, high style, low style, precedent statements.