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» Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal "Culture Of The Word" - №92, 2020 » LINGUOREPRESENTATION OF IMAGES OF HEAVENLY LIGHTS IN B.-I. ANTONYCH’S POETIC TEXTS


Journal “Culture Of The Word” – №92, 2020
УДК 81.161.2’38

PhD (Phililogy), associate professor of Foreign languages Department, National University «Lviv Polytechnic»,55 S. Bandera Street, Lviv 79000, Ukraine
E-mail: olyak4me@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3895-1082

Heading: the language of poetry: reverberation of generations
Language: Ukrainian

The paradigm of describing celestial bodies sun, moon, stars is important for understanding the national-linguistic picture of the world.
An objective picture of the world in the poetry of B.-I. Antonych is represented by stable associative-semantic connections of the celestial bodies – time (sun –dawn, day, light time of day; moon, stars – evening, night, dark time of day). The individual poetic picture of the world is commensurate with the objective also in the artistic statement of the property of celestial bodies to radiate light, to be sources of radiance. The corresponding archetypes ‘light’, ‘radiance’, ‘brilliance’ determine the semantics and value of numerous author’s landscape descriptions and psychological-mood metaphors.
A number of recorded metaphors represent the folklore-mythological tradition of describing celestial bodies by a visually perceptible sign of shape (sun– circle, wheel, sphere; moon – sickle, horned, horseshoe, circle), color (sun – gold, red; moon – yellow, gold, silver, red; star – silver, gold). These traditional poetic models are supplemented by individual authorial interpretations.
Productive author’s models of describing the realities of the sun, moon, and stars include domestication, anthropomorphization and natural morphization.
It is established that the contextual uses of celestial bodies in the poetry of B.-I. Antonych is mostly correlated with direct, nominative meaning or actualized in the folklore-mythological key. Also, the concretely nominative and cultural-aesthetic information implicitly embedded in them is often rethought and actively expanded. These nominations actively form new lexical-associative complexes of meanings, new connotations caused by individual experience, ideas, feelings, emotions of the author, his personal creative and aesthetic preferences.

Keywords: B.-I. Antonych’s idiostyle, poetic text, lingual presentation, images of celestial bodies, metaphorization, metaphorical model.

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