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» Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal "Culture Of The Word" - №92, 2020 » «LINGUISTIC AND AESTHETIC SIGN WORD IN UKRAINIAN POETRY OF THE XIX – XX CENTURIES»


Journal “Culture Of The Word” – №92, 2020

Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Professor, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Head of the Department of Stylistics, Culture of the Language and Sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9916-4915

Heading: the language of poetry: reverberation of generations
Language: Ukrainian

The ambiguity of the token word is evidenced by the explanatory dictionaries of the Ukrainian language, as well as the linguistic and artistic discourse of the XIX – XXI centuries. In the explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language there is an unmotivated separation of lexical and semantic variants, which are actually shades of one of the meanings of the word. Instead, the dictionary does not capture the lexical-semantic variant “instrument of linguistic creativity” actualized in artistic discourse.
Compared with the dictionary interpretation, poetic language more widely represents lexical and semantic variants of the studied token: as units of language structure (definition of a linguistic term), the main means of national identity, manifestation of the spiritual life of the nation, instrument of language creativity. The main attention is focused on the functioning of the word in the lexical and associative relations of the word, on its symbolization and the function of linguistic and aesthetic signs of Ukrainian culture. Such signs are recorded in the works of T. Shevchenko, P. Kulish, Lesya Ukrainka, Oleksandr Oles, M. Rylskyi, Lina Kostenko, M. Vinhranovskyi.
The semantic-associative connections of the word token in texts of different times reveal the specifics of civic and lyrical motives of the author’s linguistic thinking. Poets turn to the word, talk to it, convey in different modal assessments and their own emotional state, and symbolic semantics of the token word aestheticized by the accumulated experience of mankind. On the example of poetic texts of the XIX – XXI centuries. the increase of semantics of anthropocentrism in signs of a polysemous token word is traced.
The echo of generations is revealed on verbalized and preverbal structures of the lexical-semantic variant “word as a tool of creativity”.

Keywords: token “word”, vocabulary interpretation, word-language, word-creativity, echo of generations, preverbal expression of emotions.

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