Lyubov MATSKO,
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Language Stylistics of the M. Drahomanov National University, c. Dmitrovskaya 2, apt. 112, Kyiv, Ukraine; 09021939
ORCID: 0000-0002-7663-8954
PhD in Philology, Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Girska, 27, v. Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka, reg. Kyivska, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-5355-6772
Heading: To the 150-th anniversary of the birthday of Lesia Ukrainka
Language: Ukrainian
The article clarifies the place, role and significance of Lesya Ukrainka’s work in the development of the Ukrainian literary language, characterizes the main linguistic stylistics of the poet’s artistic speech. Lesia Ukrainka was a genius stylist in several dimensions: as a poet, publicist, critic, playwright. In the language discussions of the late nineteenth – early twentieth century. as a spiritual pupil of Mykhailo Drahomanov, a contemporary of Ivan Franko and Mykhailo Hrushevsky, she supported and continued the new philosophy of the literary Ukrainian language, which manifested itself in the demands and needs to remove prohibitions and restrictions on the Ukrainian language, expand the functional field of the Ukrainian language and to build a cultural language, to normalize the literary language faster and more actively with the use of the achievements of all major dialects, to develop journalistic and scientific styles, to develop the education and cultural work of its people in their native language. Lesia Ukrainka created and improved new artistic and poetic forms of language, polished them, supplementing folk colloquial and folklore vocabulary, pushed the semantic boundaries of contextual meanings of words, improved the stylistics of genre (and especially new) forms, which she first introduced into literary language.
Keywords: language creation, linguistic style, language, word, linguistic personality.
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4. Kostenko, L. (1989). Poet walking down the stairs of the giants. Lesia Ukrainka. Dramatic works. Kyiv (in Ukr.).
5. Kotsyubynska, M. (2001). Reflections on epistolary creativity. Kyiv (in Ukr.).
6. Lesia Ukrainka. (1979). Collection of works: In 12 vol. Kyiv (in Ukr.).