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» Journal Issues » 2021 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- №94, 2021 » PHONETIC MARKERS OF BOOKISH TRADITION IN LANGUAGE OF PANTELEIMON KULISH


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- №94, 2021
УДК 81’28

Оlena KUMEDA ,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature Sumy State Pedagogical University A. S. Makarenko
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6879-1388

Heading: from history of culture and written language
Language: Ukrainian


In the works about P.A. Kulish’s language and his role in the history of the Ukrainian literary language there is no deep and profound analysis of the writer’s idiolect formation. The proposed observation is part of a holistic study that is devoted to study of P. A. Kulish’s language due to the аestern Polissya dialect; the work is based on the primary sources (the texts published during the author’s life), where their phonetic, morphological and lexical characteristics are considered. In this work the experience of the researchers of T. G. Shevchenko’s language is taken into account. But it is stressed that the methodology of studying the writer’s idiolect used in the thesis was improved, that is connected with the increasing basic empirical foundation (the maps of the Ukrainian Language Atlas, dialectal speech recordings, personal observations). As a result, it was found that the language of P. Kulish’s first editions is generally characterized by the variability of the realization of *o in the closed syllable of multi-syllable word forms, which is justified by the dialectal basis of the writer’s language.

The article considers the implementation of *о in the Kulish’s language in connection with the ancient bookish tradition of the Ukrainian literary language. In particular, taking into account the evidence of dialectal sources, written monuments, as well as the linguistic and literary practice during the life of Kulish, the preservation of *o in some word forms is analyzed; it was found that, despite the undeniable influence on the language of P. Kulish specific speech environment, the considered elements of phonetics primarily reflect the established in the time of the author linguistic and literary standard of the East Ukrainian edition and at the same time show the longevity of the previous bookish tradition (безголовє); attention is paid to the stylistic functions of phonetic markers of bookish tradition in the Kulish’s language (кості, покойний, заупокойний). In this context, the subject of analysis also became lexical archaisms with *o (гетьманський cтолець, церковні / апостольські стольці), which are reflected in the texts of various genres in order to express a specific historical epoch. Among the historicisms with *o recorded Запорожжя, Мосток мертвецький and others.

Key words: primary sources, bookish tradition, language standard, dialect source.


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Гр. 1895 – Hrinchenko, B. (1895). Ethnographic materials. Is. 1. (80–296 p.). Chernihiv (in Ukr.).

Ж.К. – Kulish, P. (1868). Kulish’s life. Pravda. № 2. 19–21 p.; № 3. 32–34 p.; № 4. 45–46 p; № 24. 283–286 p.; № 25. 296–300 p.; № 26. 311–312 p.; № 27. 322–324 p.; № 28. 335–336 p. (in Ukr.).

ЗОЮР – Kulish, P. (1994). Notes on Southern Russia. Vols.1–2. Kyiv: Dnipro (in Ukr.).

КЛ – Kulish, P. (2005–2009). Complete collection of writings. Letters.Vols. 1–2. Kyiv: Krytyka (in Ukr.).

ЛР – Russian chronicle according to the Ipatiev list. (1908). St. Petersburg (in Rus.). URL: http://litopys.org.ua/ipatlet/ipat.htm.

ЛС – Chronicle of an Eyewitness. (1971). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (in Ukr.).

М.Б. – Kulish, P. (1908–1911). Marusia Bohuslavka. Writings by Panteleimon Kulish. Vols. 1–6. Lviv: Prosvita. (in Ukr.).

Ор. – Kulish, P. (1882). Orysia. Kyiv (in Ukr.).

Сл.Гр. – Hrinchenko, B. (Ed.). (1958). Dictionary of the Ukrainian Languge. Vols. 1–4. Kyiv: Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR (in Ukr.).

ССУМ – Dictionary of the Old Ukrainian language of the XIV-XV centuries (1977–1978). Vols. 1–2. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (in Ukr.).

Тв.1994 – Kulish, P. (1994). Writings. Vols. 1–2. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (in  Ukr.).

Хм. – Kulish, P. (1861). Khmelnyshchyna. St. Petersburg (in Rus.).

Ч.р. – Kulish, P. (1857). Black Council. St. Petersburg (in Rus.).