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» Journal Issues » 2021 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- №94, 2021 » MENTAL IMAGE «CITY» IN THE ARTISTIC AND CHARACTER DISCOURSE OF V. PIDMOHYLNYI


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- №94, 2021
УДК 811.161.2

Nataliia HOLIKOVA,
Doctor of Philology, Prof., Oles Honchar Dniprovsk National University;
72 Gagarin Ave., Dnipro 49010, Ukraine;
Е-mail: nataliaholikova62@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4157-1276

Heading: The city in Ukrainian linguoculture: the echo of generations
Language: Ukrainian

    The article analyzes the expressing-depicting means of verbalization of the mission «City» in the same name V. Pidmohylnyi’s novel, based on the logical-semantic opposition «City» «Village». It is noted that the study of the verbalized constants of the specified contrast is an important issue for integrative linguistic history, which interacts with such scientific industries as linguistic culture, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, communicative linguistics etc. The concept of a character discourse is actualized: the most important sign of the novel «The city» V. Pidmohylnyi’s combination of the language of the author and the language of the main character of the work Stepan Radchenko. It is proved that the discursive zone of the character is the most influential in the formation of the analyzed mental image. The semantic-stylistic features of the «City» are traced, which concentrates artistic narrative of a proactive piece and appears a dominant component of the cognitive-field structure of the relevant concept. Its lexical-thematic and semantic and associative lines, which provide content to the сonnectivity  and integrity of the mental image in the vertical context of the novel: «City»«Village», «City»«Nature», «Closed space» «Open Space», «City» «Art» «Literature»,  «City» «Love» «Nature» etc. The conclusion is emphasized that V. Pidmohylnyi one of the first Ukrainian writers of the beginning of the twentieth century. Conceptualized the city as a decisive factor in civilization-historical development of society, «immersing» a person from the village to urbanized space anthropogenic landscape, «second nature».

   Key words: character discourse, concept, semantic and associative field, linguistic-aesthetic sign, stylistema.


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Місто. – Pidmohylnyi, V.P. (1989). Misto : Roman, opovidannia / Uporiad. R. Movchan ta V. Shevchuka; Vst. sl. V. Shevchuka; Prymit. R. Movchan [City]. Kyiv : Molod, 448 (in Ukr.).

СУМ. – Dictionary of the Ukrainian language (11 vol.). (1970– 1980). Kyiv (in Ukr.).