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» Journal Issues » 2022 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- №96, 2022 » Features of the normative word stress of the dentist’s professional vocabulary

Features of the normative word stress of the dentist’s professional vocabulary

Journal “Culture Of The Word”- №96, 2022
УДК 81’276.6:31.:81’342.8/9

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training,
Poltava State Medical University
36011, Poltava, 23 Shevchenko Street, Ukraine;
E-mail: tetyana.57@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4682-3734

PhD in Philology, Lecture of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Trainin, Poltava State Medical University36011, Poltava, 23 Shevchenko Street,
E-mail: m.zhownir@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8498-9802

Language: Ukrainian

The professional language of health-care professionals, in particular dentists, falls within the purview of the authors of the article under consideration. Based on the results of the examination of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the language of the academic sphere standardization and taking into accordance general study of discursive fragments, as well as observation of oral scientific speech, the state of observance of the norms of word stress in the field of dentistry has been investigated. The paper emphasizes that the correct usage of accents is essential. Additionally, the mportance of the correct and normative interpretation by the researcher of scientific facts, the latest theories and hypotheses has been noted. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the standardization of the language of science has been highlighted, and the specifics of stress in the vocabulary of dental discourse bas been analyzed. In addition to this, the specifics of normative and non-normative word usage in modern written scientific speech have been interpreted.
The authors of the article also attempt to analyze the scientific speech of the dental field, describe the characteristic features of the emphasis of the professional language of dentists, and present in details the most common accentuations and mistakes in their professional speech. Furthermore, cases of incorrect and inappropriate usage of professional terms stress have been compared and characterized. Based on the analysis of the source material, normative options for the accentuation of high-frequency terminology units in the dental industry have been proposed. The expediency of analyzing the correspondence of dental scientific speech to the basic communicative qualities of speech, accent, and lexical, grammatical and other norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language has been done. The research has been presented within the anthropocentric scientific paradigm. The work uses both general scientific (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, generalization) and linguistic methods and techniques proper.

Key words: dental discourse, language norm, accent norms, stress.

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