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» Journal Issues » 2022 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- №97, 2022 » DIDACTIC AND CORRECTION POTENTIAL OF FAIRY TALE TEXTS IN TEACHER’S WORK


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- №97, 2022
УДК 376:42.001.76

Anhelina GANZHA,
PhD in Philology, Senior researcher of the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
E-mail: ganzhalina@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2938-5306

Language: Ukrainian

The article summarizes theoretical approaches to stimulating the cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren through fairy tale therapy. Recommendations are developed and specific methods of applying fairy tales texts in the educational process are proposed, which can be used by primary school teachers, defectologists, speech therapists in organizing group and individual classes, parents of children with special educational needs in correctional and developmental work.
The attractiveness of fairy tales as a means of correctional and pedagogical influence is due to their properties: the absence of direct teachings; the events of a fairy tale story are logical, naturally follow each other, which allows children to learn cause and effect relationships and rely on them; through the images of a fairy tale, a child gets acquainted with the experience of many generations. Fairy tale plots deal with situations and problems that everyone experiences. The victory of goodness provides the child with a sense of psychological security. Students learn that trials contribute to the inner improvement of a person. The main character of the fairy tale is a collective image with which the child can identify.
The didactic potential of using fairy tales in the educational process of primary school is realized through creating a favorable atmosphere for students to communicate with the teacher; stimulating students’ cognitive activity; ensuring that learning is connected to the child’s real experience; and developing the ability to solve problems independently. Fairy tales provide inexhaustible opportunities for pedagogical creativity. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the set didactic or correctional goal in working with a fairy tale, to avoid oversaturation of classes with fairy tale “atmosphere” and characters in order to ensure maximum efficiency of using this powerful diagnostic and educational tool.
Key words: fairy tale, fairy tale therapy, correctional potential, stimulation of cognitive activity.

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