doctor of philological sciences, professor, Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko;
93 Romenska St., Sumy, 40021, Ukraine;
e-mail: tpb2016@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1936-6673
Language: Ukrainian
The modern school of Ukrainian linguistic stylistics produces new approaches, formulates new theoretical positions, generates current, relevant directions of research, marks the latest ideas in the field of linguistic stylistic studies, which testifies to the significant achievements of the national linguistic stylistic scientific school in the world continuum. Ukrainian scientists, noting the change in the scientific paradigm of linguistic-stylistic research, direct attention to the integrative approach in modern linguistic-stylistics as a field of scientific knowledge. Justifying integrative approaches to the definition of the main categories of stylistics and style, pointing out the need to use new methods of interpreting artistic texts, they emphasize the role of linguistic stylistics in the education of linguistic personality. The proven emergence of stylistic research into a wider range of linguistic, literary, folkloristic, cultural, social and communication topics is dictated by the scientific and educational demands of our time. At the time of integration of linguistic stylistics with oral folk literature – a linguistic oral lexicologist. Linguistics is the science of language styles, varieties, forms of speech, language means of all levels. Linguistic oral verbal science studies the language of folklore works. Today, in stylistics, the question of the independence of the folk language style remains unsolved. There is an opinion that folklore can be qualified as a separate type of artistic style or, more broadly, as a separate functional style of literary language. The proven influence of the language of oral creativity on the development of the stylistic system of the Ukrainian language (the selection of colorful and stylistic varieties of the language). In linguistic stylistics, folk songs have been established as a stylistic category. The doctrine of linguistic and aesthetic signs of Ukrainian culture (S.Ya. Yermolenko) also appeals to the depths of the language of oral folk creativity.
Connections of linguistic oral word science with all sections of stylistics are observed. The use of stylistic terminology in the process of analyzing the language of texts of oral folk literature is evidenced. The influence of oral folk literature on the development of the artistic style of the Ukrainian language is undeniable.
Key words: linguistic stylistics, linguistic oral linguistics, linguistic folklore, language of folklore, style.
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