Halyna SІUTA,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Leading Researcher of Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
E-mail: siutagalia@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3273-1644
Language: Ukrainian
The article deals with the peculiarities of the radical expansion of the Ukrainian-speaking communicative space motivated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which did not take place due to regulation, but due to the explosive growth of the emotional and socio-political consciousness of Ukrainians. The activity of a voluntary choice in favor of the Ukrainian language in daily communication has been demonstrated, in particular in the practice of state-makers, high-ranking officials of Ukraine, and public figures. This witnessed a radical change in the understanding of language as a symbol of identity and language as a means of communication.
The lexical and phraseological means of motivating the choice of the Ukrainian language as a priority means of communication are characterized (voluntarily switched, wanted to switch to Ukrainian and did so, made a choice, decided to speak, decided for myself) and reasons for dissociation from the Russian language (I do not want to speak the same language with the occupiers; I don’t want to have anything to do with the occupiers; I don’t want to speak the language in which children are killed; I don’t want to spread the “Russian measure”; I don’t want to be part of the Russian pseudo-culture; to avoid associations with Russia), etc.
Rethinking, recoding linguistic values, realizing that language is one of the fundamental signs of a self-sufficient, self-determined, historically and culturally realized nation is especially significant for state-makers and senior officials of Ukraine.
In the context of the analysis of language as a security code, the nature of lexical shibboleths is considered.
Key words: Ukrainian language, language values, national identity, metaphor.
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