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» Journal Issues » 2023 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- № 98, 2023 » DEVIATIONS FROM CURRENT NORMS IN SCIENTIFIC ECONOMIC TEXTS


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- № 98, 2023
УДК 811.161.2'271.12

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Language Preparation of Foreign Citizens, S. Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University;
9-А Prospect of Science, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine;
e-mail: olha.cheremska@hneu.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3360-8421

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes scientific texts in the field of economics regarding compliance with the norms of modern Ukrainian literary language. The phenomenon of deviation from the language norm in professional texts at different levels of the language system is considered.
The reasons for deviation from the language norm (so called “norm liberalization”) are analyzed. Main attention is focused on the phenomena of lexical tracing and various manifestations of this “norm liberalization”. Attention is drawn also to deviation from accentuation norms in the oral professional communication of economists.
Typical deviations from the norms of the language at the lexical level are revealed: in verbal nouns, as well as adjectives, participles, and verbs, which is caused by the tracing of the foreign word formation models.
The most common deviation from the morphological norms in the language of the analyzed scientific works are: irregularity of the genitive forms of nouns of the second declension of the masculine gender; use of the forms of the dative case instead of the genitive; use of the accusative case instead of the genitive.
Deviations from the norms at the syntactic level can be qualified as tracing of syntactic means (phrases) inherent to Russian language.
Deviations from the norms at the sentence level in modern scientific texts are usually associated with improper use of homogeneous parts of the sentence as well as with non-normative, excessive use of passive constructions.
Deviations from the orthographic norms occur in words with the letter “ґ” in the root, which are characterized by alternating vowels, regarding the writing of the particle “не” and the prefix “не-” separately.
Deviations from the punctuation norms are observed in sentences with adverbial inflections, interjections and word combinations, homogeneous and separable members, subordinate clauses.
Consideration of the phenomenon of deviation from the language norm at different levels of the language system in scientific texts enables us to identify and systematize typical violations of the norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language in order to develop general recommendations that will serve as a guide in daily professional language use.
Key words: scientific style, professional text, discourse, language norm, tracing, deviation.

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ЕЕ – Efektyvna ekonomika (scientific journal). Kyiv.
ЕР – Ekonomika rozvytku (scientific journal). Kharkiv.
ПЕ – Problemy ekonomiky (scientific journal). Kharkiv.
УР – Upravlinnya rozvytkom (scientific journal). Kharkiv.