candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies,
Simon Kuznets Kharkov National University of Economics;
9 A, Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166;
e-mail: elenasavvich@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6740-0661
Language: Ukrainian
In modern linguistics, the individual style of a word artist is studied in terms of the relationship between language and thinking, the ways in which extra-linguistic reality reflects in the text, knowledge about the world, and the author’s individual worldview. The analysis of an individual language system through the study of the linguistic poetics of floronomen in a literary text contributes to the development of the most complete, objective idea of the writer’s linguistic picture of the world. The figure of Olha Kobylianska belongs to those who formed the basis for the self-awareness and self-determination of the Ukrainian people. The writer’s work is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon that requires a multifaceted study.
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that the analysis of the language of Olha Kobylianska’s fiction makes it possible to determine the specifics of the floronomen smereka in the individual author’s word usage, to reveal the peculiarities of using this nominalization as a means of artistic depiction of reality, and also to expand the concept of the Ukrainian poetic thesaurus through the identified characteristic features of the idiostyle.
The article carries out a lexical and semantic analysis of the floronomen smereka in the language of Olha Kobylianska’s literary texts. The artistic and stylistic functions of complex linguistic and figurative means, which include the floronomen smereka, are characterized, in particular epithetical, metaphorical constructions, comparative phrases, constructions with associative and symbolic meaning. It is proved that the floronomen smereka is the most typical linguistic image functioning in the writer’s poetic idiolect. The individual-authorial peculiarities of the functioning of the floronomen smereka in the artistic picture of the world of Olha Kobylianska are determined.
Key words: linguopoetics, floronomen smereka, figure of speech, epithet, symbol, metaphor, comparative phrase, idiolect, Olha Kobylianska.
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