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» Journal Issues » 2023 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- № 99, 2023 » ANGLOSURZHYK IN THE PROFESSIONAL SPEECH OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- № 99, 2023
УДК 811.161.2’373.46


Oksana DILNA,
PhD in Philology, Docent of the Humanities Education Department,
Lviv Regional Institute of Post-Diploma Pedagogical Education;
18 A, Ohienka St., Lviv, 79007;
e-mail: dilnamartynyak@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7798-7374

Language: Ukrainian

The article focuses on the analysis of anglicisms in the professional speech of language teachers on the basis of educational and methodological materials posted on the popular educational platforms “Vseosvita” and “Na urok”. The main focus is on the compounds with the element “бук”, as the number of such titles has increased significantly in recent years. The speech of teachers of language and literature abounds in the following anglicisms: буктрейлер, буккросинг, артбук, воркбук, лепбук, скрапбук. It is noteworthy that most of these new words are recorded only in the Dictionary of Modern Anglicisms, which was published in 2022. Other lexicographical sources do not list them, and also do not contain the component “бук” either as part of other compounds or as an independent word.
Anglosurzhyk words appear in teachers’ speech due to various factors: learning from the professional experience of fellow teachers from English-speaking countries, using working methods from such fields as economics, business and management in the educational process, translation difficulties, the desire to make it concise, the desire to embellish their speech with unusual words and evoke interest of the students. Functioning in speech, these new words play the role of professionalisms. The latter are known for their stylistically colouring, they exist beyond the linguistic norm and may disappear over time. However, the widespread usage of these names in educational and methodological works indicates the desire to make these words normative terms.
Compound words of English origin with the component “бук” used by teachers of language and literature do not denote new concepts, and therefore need to be replaced by those with more transparent semantics. The teachers frequently use foreign words to denote concepts that already have or may have Ukrainian names. Transliteration of English words does not enrich our language, but contaminates it and leads to the formation of another type of language mix – anglosurzhyk.
Key words: anglicism, anglosurzhik, compound, professionalism.

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