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» Journal Issues » 2023 » Journal "Culture Of The Word"- № 99, 2023 » LEXEM “SHOW” IN NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS


Journal “Culture Of The Word”- № 99, 2023
УДК 81.161.2’271.1:070


Mariia RIPEI,
PhD in Philology, Docent of the Department of Media Language,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
49, Chuprynky St., Lviv, 79044, Ukraine;
e-mail: maria-kr@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6040-3539

Language: Ukrainian

In this article authors take into consideration usage of the verb “show” in journalistic materials on the basis of reference literature and their own editorial experience. The article focuses on explanation of the meaning of these word in “A great Ukraine dictionary of the modern usage” (compiler and main editor V.T. Busel). Materials for analysis are selected from the Ukrainian national daily newspaper “The Day”. “Russian-Ukrainian dictionary in three tomes”, “Dictionary of synonyms of the Ukrainian language”, “Dictionary of Shevchenko’s language” and “A great Ukraine dictionary of the modern usage” (executives of the publishing project P.M. Movchan, V.V. Nimchuk, V.Y. Klichak) were used for analysis. Examples are provided with Ukrainian dictionary in eleven tomes and Dictionary of the Ukrainian language (emphasis. with add. vlas. material B. Hrinchenko).
It is stated that it is correct to use the verb “show” in the meanings “to give the opportunity to see, consider, look at someone or something”; “Show someone your ability to do something”; “Show a movie, give a play”; “To do something to teach someone; to teach visually”; “Give for review, review, verification, evaluation, etc.”; “Make visible someone, something, opening, illuminating, etc.”; “Movement, gesture, gaze, etc. to point at someone or something, attracting someone’s attention, explaining something”.
However, to use “show” in the sense of “to establish something (inspection, research, survey, etc.) … To testify about something, to be proof of something; give grounds for any conclusion” is considered a lexical error.
It is noted that the designation “to detect something (inspection, research, survey)”; “To testify about something, to be proof of something”; “Give grounds for any conclusion” to use correctly “discover”, “determine”, “find out”, “testify”, “confirm”, “demonstrate”, etc., and not the lexem “show”.
Key words: lexem, newspaper materials, non-normative use, dictionaries.

Hryhorash, D.S. (1966). Theory and practice of newspaper editing. Lviv (in Ukr.).
Kolibaba, L. (2006). Neighbor or neighbor? Ukrainska mova, 1, 121 (in Ukr.).
Ripei, M.V. (2008). Non-normative units in journalistic texts (On the materials of the newspapers “Vysokyi Zamok” and “Express”). Visnyk Luhanskoho universytetu. Seriia filolohichna, 3, 118–124 (in Ukr.).
Sokolova, S., Bybyk, S. (2014). Ukrainian language in modern mass media: Problems of language culture, stylistics and sociolinguistics. Ukrainska mova, 2, 133–145 (in Ukr.).

ВТССУМ1 – Busel, V.T. (Ed.). (2007). Large explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language and heads. Kyiv – Irpin: VTF “Perun” (in Ukr.).
ВТССУМ2 – Movchan, P.M., Nimchuk, V.V., Klichak, V.Y. (Eds.). (2009). Large explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language. Kyiv: Dnipro (in Ukr.).
Сл.Гр. – Hrinchenko, B. (Ed.). (1958). Dictionary of the Ukrainian language: in 4 vol. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. URL: http://hrinchenko.com/slovar/znachenie-slova/42425-pokazuvaty.html# (in Ukr.).
СМШ – Dictionary of Shevchenko’s language: in 2 vol. (1964). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. URL: http://litopys.org.ua/pdf/slovnyk_movy_shevchenka_2.pdf (in Ukr.).
СУМ-11 – The Ukrainian language dictionary: in 11 vol. (1970–1980). Kyiv (in Ukr.).
СУМ-20 – Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language online. URL: https://services.ulif.org.ua (in Ukr.).