Anhelina GANZHA,
PhD in Philology, Senior researcher of the Department of stylistics, language culture and sociolinguistics,
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
4 Mykhaila Hrushevskoho St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
The study attempts to make a linguistic and stylistic reception of two documentary film portraits of Oleksandr Dovzhenko: “Oleksandr Dovzhenko. Odesa Dawn” (2014) and “Oleksandr Dovzhenko. Lost Love” (2020). Both media products were created by professional teams of authors and highlight different facets of the writer’s fate and talent.
The documentary “Oleksandr Dovzhenko. Odesa Dawn” is not very informative about the specifics of the linguistic portrait of the protagonist, a prominent Ukrainian filmmaker, but the film clearly represents the arsenal of tools for creating a film portrait of an elite linguistic personality.
The documentary “Oleksandr Dovzhenko. Lost Love” forms an idea of the linguistic portrait of the film’s protagonist, which emerges from Dovzhenko’s quotes, the host’s comments and the voiceover text. This media product correlates elitist linguistic personalities – the protagonist of the film Oleksandr Dovzhenko and the host of the TV series “The Game of Fate” Natalia Sopit.
The concept of an elite linguistic personality implies a perfect command of the norms of the literary language and all its functional styles; the ability to create and understand texts of varying complexity; possession of skills of influence, persuasion, and attention-getting; and the use of effective strategies and tactics in various types of communication. When it comes to an artist, a creative personality, this list should include the ability to accumulate, multiply and transmit national linguistic culture; a high level of linguistic awareness and linguistic stability. Understanding the specifics of creating a film portrait of an elite linguistic personality allows us to use tools that will ensure the proper level of quality of this requested type of film production and, accordingly, the appropriate level of predictable impact on the formation of the target audience’s value orientations.
Key words: elite linguistic personality, linguistic portrait, film portrait, linguistic stylistics, linguistic culture.
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