Svitlana BOHDAN,
Ph.D. in Philology, Professor of the Department of History and Culture Ukrainian Language,
Lesіa Ukrainka Volyn National University;
13 Voli Ave., Lutsk 43025, Volyn region, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
Ukrainian linguistic personology manifests significant achievements in studying multifaceted theoretical issues, which primarily concern methodology and conceptual-categorical matters. One of the important features of linguistic studies at the present stage is a deviation from the artistic style scope, traditional for scientific works of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and the emergence of studies focused on linguistic personalities, realized in other functional styles: scientific, journalistic, religious, and epistolary. It is also significant that the need to study the multifaceted and polyfunctional individual-stylistic dominants of language personalities actualized the integration processes in modern linguopersonology. It resulted in research works on the border of several scientific fields (or branches), particularly, linguopersonology and psychology, linguopersonology and ethnology, etc. A clear perspective of linguopersonology implies theoretical and practical developments of textology and its methodology. Such research will enable the establishment of the original work and, as a result, allow us to study not the edited or censored text (which is hardly acceptable for searching the individual stylistic features), but the author’s text. The analysis of numerous interventions in the author’s texts of Lesia Ukrainka (according to the observations of H.H. Avrakhov, L.P. Miroshnychenko, V.A. Savchuk (Prokip), etc.) affirms and justifies the necessity of turning to manuscripts, rough and draft autographs, and lifetime editions of poetess’s works while studying her idiostyle by a modern linguopersonologist.
Key words: linguopersonology, textology, individual style, autograph.
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