Iryna KUZMA,
PhD (Philology) Associate Professor at the Prof. I. Kovalyk Department of Ukrainian Language,
I. Franko National University of Lviv;
1/234 Universytetska St., Lviv, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
The article analyzes the diachronic-synchronic derivational productivity of non-initial noun forms on -ат- at the level of the word-forming paradigm, which is formed by appellative and onymic word-forming types. These are affixal nouns and adjectives, historically motivated by the base on -ат-, as well as anthroponyms and toponyms, formed as a result of transonomatization of nominative and genitive plural forms. The prerequisites and consequences of such a derivation in the modern word-formation system are revealed.
In the Ukrainian language of different periods, the word-forming paradigm of noun bases on -ат- is formed by the following appellative affixal word-forming types: noun base on -ат- + -к-о, -оньк- o, -ин-a, -ник-, ниц-я, -инець-, -ий. The most likely derivatives are plural forms mainly for the names of grouped small or paired objects (бровенятка) and genitive singular / plural (телячий).
The derivation from non-initial noun forms, in particular from nominative / genitive plural forms, is a complex and ambiguous issue in diachrony and synchrony. The onomastic derivatology is often able to unquestionably confirm such derivation, because some models of onyms supplement the list of appellative derivative types, in which various nominal morphological forms act as a derivative.
The ancient historical models of onymatization of non-initial forms of nouns that are declined according to the pattern of the t-stem are: 1. The form of the neuter noun in the nominative plural on -ат -a → masculine anthroponym on -ат-a: Іванчата. 2. The form of the neuter noun in the genitive plural on -ат- → masculine anthroponym on -ат-: Мушат. 3. The form of the neuter noun in the nominative plural on -ат-a → plural toponym on -ат-а: Ковальчата. 4. The form of the neuter noun in the genitive plural on -ат- → singular masculine toponym on -ат-: Шкурат. Today surnames and oikonyms of this type are rare.
Key words: stem-centric derivatology, word-formation productivity of morphological form, nominative plural, genitive plural, formative suffix, affixation, transonomatization, diachrony, synchrony.
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