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» Journal Issues » 2024 » Journal "Culture Of The Word" - № 101, 2024 » COLOR-SYMBOLS OF OLEKSANDR HOSHYLYKʼS POETRY


Journal “Culture Of The Word” – № 101, 2024
УДК 81’42


teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature of the highest category, the senior teacher, the deputy director for academic work,
Ukrainian Physics and Mathematics Lyceum of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
45-А Bohdana Khmelnitskoho St., Vyshneve, Kyiv region, 08132, Ukrainе;
e-mail: lyudmilaupml@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-5661-2897

Language: Ukrainian

The metaphorics of the colors of modern Ukrainian poetry is closely related to the military theme, since poets today became warriors, and many warriors became poets. The article analyzes the role of colors-symbols “red” and “black” in the poetic texts of the poet-warrior Oleksandr Hoshylyk. The texts of poems from his collection “The Bridge through the Eternity” (2016) and from his personal telegram channel “The Damn Molfar” were analyzed.
The author’s images-symbols of life and death, in comparison with the folklore and literary traditions, are penetrated through the theme of war. The poetic world of O. Hoshylyk exists in the dimensions of “good – evil”, “life – death”, “mine – alien”, therefore the color symbolism of his works is also two-dimensional, black and white, but with a “bloody line” that the war drew.
The results of the studying of the text have shown that in the black and white world of the poet-warrior, the opposition “red – black” reflects the opposition “life – death” and “sacrifice – death”. The red color in the analyzed poems is primarily associated with the color of blood, therefore it is ambivalent: it is both the hot pulse of life and the image of the birth of the future of Ukraine in heavy battles as in the childbirth; but it is also sacrificed, and the heavy losses in battles. The Black color in the author’s texts is always the death, the darkness and the emptiness.
Key words: color symbol, language of wartime poetry, metaphor, epithet, anthropomorphization.

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