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» Journal Issues » 2024 » Journal "Culture Of The Word" - № 101, 2024 » O. DOVZHENKO’S MASTERY IN VERBALIZING GENDER IMAGES IN THE WRITER’S DIARY TEXT


Journal “Culture Of The Word” – № 101, 2024
УДК 81ʼ42:81ʼ373.611:82-94


Tetyana KOSMEDA,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Romance and German Philology and World Literature,
Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University (Vinnytsia);
9 Arkhypenka St., apt. 1, Lviv 29005, Ukraine;
e-mail: tkosmeda@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8912-2888

Language: Ukrainian

The scientific study is conducted within the paradigm of diary studies, gender linguistics, linguistic personology, and linguistic stylistics. These research perspectives allowed for a multifaceted portrayal of O. Dovzhenko as a refined Ukrainian linguistic personality, which manifests in his unique verbalization of national images of жінка / дівчина (woman / girl) in all their roles (матір, дружина, сестра, дочка (mother, wife, sister, daughter)), juxtaposed with the masculine images of Ukrainian чоловік / парубoк (man / young man). To verbalize these images, the writer activates nationally colored meanings and creates a system of national figurative linguistic means (expressive epithets, individual comparisons, refined metaphors, affective-diminutive forms, and precedent national names). Dovzhenko, as a diarist, reveals the sincerity of his feelings, demonstrates his intentions, and models intimating meanings.
In the text of the examined diary, there is frequent use of female designations by profession and occupation with the activation of specifically feminine forms, contrasted with masculine forms, which indicates that the use of feminine forms has a long-standing tradition.
Female images are contrasted with male ones, taking into account the context of the war and post-war period, when the widow bore a heavy burden. It is presented by modeling unique individual-author figurative nominations, also projected onto the image of a girl who could not marry due to the lack of men. The contrast between the old man and the old woman is also drawn. Following national tradition, O. Dovzhenko verbalizes patriarchal male consciousness, depicting a negative image of the old woman.
O. Dovzhenko critiques certain trends in the upbringing of girls and naming practices that do not correspond to Ukrainian traditions, as well as a new level of relationships between girls and young men, employing irony.
Key words: gender linguistics, diary studies, linguistic personology, linguistic stylistics, O. Dovzhenko’s elite linguistic personality, images of women / girls – men / young men, national linguistic thought.

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