PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Linguistics,
Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University;
54/1 Beresteіskyі Ave., Kyiv 03057, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
The article analyzes the modern fixations of the latest NOPRD, which are not listed in official sources – registers, classifiers, dictionaries. Such names are differentiated primarily according to the branch or field of operation, taking into account the socio-cultural reasons for the appearance of these units. Among the certified neolexem-NOPRD, three groups are distinguished: 1. NOPRD, which renewed connectivity, specifying the innovativeness of the spheres of socio-economic and socio-cultural life of modern man, as well as methods and techniques of work; 2. Innovations to designate rare types of human activity; 3. Innovative names of future professions, positions, areas of activity. A feature of neolexes is the expansion of conjugacy, i.e. call basic words – generic concepts – in the NOPRD system, such as specialist, specialist, engineer, architect, designer, builder, consultant, etc. We are also observing the phenomenon of integration of knowledge, thought processes, characteristic of each professional activity, which affects the formation of innovative non-profit organizations. Such new names are due to extra lingual factors, namely the trends of globalization, intensive digitization of almost all spheres and branches of life in many countries of the world, the renewing nature of the professional activity of specialists and, accordingly, the social demand for new professions, as well as linguistic ones, in particular, the ability of language to form new nominations for the designation of names of persons, taking into account the activity. The NOPRDs, spread in the mass media discourse, indicate the need for deep comprehensive knowledge, abilities and skills in various sciences and practices, primarily in the field of IT technologies and those integrated with it, in particular environmental, medical, military, etc. The NOPRDs, spread in the mass media discourse, indicate the need for deep comprehensive knowledge, abilities and skills in various sciences and practices, primarily in the field of IT technologies and those integrated with it, in particular environmental, medical, military, etc.
Key words: names of persons by profession and field of activity (NOPRD), lexical-semantic group, official-business discourse, mass media language.
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