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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Culture Of The Word - №88 » «The distant fireplaces» оf Oles Honcharʼs linguistic creativity

«The distant fireplaces» оf Oles Honcharʼs linguistic creativity

Culture of the word, 2018, № 88
UDC 811. 161.2

SOLOHUB Nadiia Mykolaivna –
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Languages of the Petro Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine
1-3/11 Gorodotskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: cancelyariya@knmau.com.ua


Heading: Oles Honchar in the history of Ukrainian literary language
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article on the basis of cognitive-discursive approach is shown the origins of the constants of the individual style of creation of language Oles Honchar: symbolization and conceptualization of images, authorʼs word formation, periphrasing, syntactic organization of the text. It is emphasized on the pertinence of these constants in the language of the artist.

In 1987, a new collection of prose works by Oles Honchar “The distant fi replaces” was published. In it – a story, essay.

For the researchers, this collection is interesting not only because on its pages, often with elements of autobiographical, the life of the younger generation, to which the writer belonged, appears, but also by the fact that she testifi ed at once to the characteristic features of his language creation, sparkled his individual style. It captures how motivated, his artistic language is organic, how much they are perceived as a call of consciousness, the soul of the writer, an attempt to say this, and not otherwise.

A characteristic feature of Oles Honcharʼs language creation is the periphrasis (descriptive turns, the manifestation of a secondary nomination of a person, objects or phenomena).

Closure and ending are only elements of the syntactic organization of prose Oles Honchar. And although each writer primarily uses the grammatical features of the language in which he writes, the true master finds within the limits of the generally accepted potential language, reveals individual and authorial peculiarity. This is evidenced by landscapes, lyric indents, portrait characteristics, even the favorite types of sentences in the works of Oles Honchar.

Key words: conceptual image, individual-authorʼs style, newlyweds, fortune-telling, fi niteness of a work, psychology of a work.


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  • Honchar, O. (1987). Far Caves. Kyiv (in Ukr.)
  • Krupa, M. (1998). The linguistic structure of the authorʼs image in the works of Olha Kobylianska. Kyiv: Native word (in Ukr.)
  • Shliachova, N. (1981). Emotions and artistic creativity. Kyiv: Art (in Ukr.)